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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: tear (n.)
涙: namida: tear (n.)
涙に咽ぶ: namidanimusebu: be choked with tears <<<
涙に暮れる: namidanikureru: be (all) in tears <<<
涙を流す: namidaonagasu: shed tears, weep <<<
涙を浮かべる: namidaoukaberu: One's eyes are moist with tears <<<
涙を拭く: namidaohuku: wipe one's tears (away) <<<
涙を呑む: namidaonomu: gulp one's tears <<<
涙を抑える: namidaoosaeru: keep tears back <<<
涙を誘う: namidaosasou: tearful, move (a person) to tears <<<
Expressions: 雀の涙

category: common usage
keyword: fruit
Number of strokes: 10
translation: peach
桃: momo
桃の木: momonoki: peach tree <<<
桃の花: momonohana: peach blossom <<<
Kanji words: 扁桃腺 , 白桃 , 夾竹桃 , 胡桃 , 桃色
Expressions: 桃太郎 , 桃の季節

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 10
translation: eaves
軒: noki
軒下に: nokishitani: under the eaves <<<
軒先に: nokisakini: in front of the house <<<

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 10
translation: bury, fill, reclaim, plug
mai, bai
埋める: umeru: bury (in, under), inter, fill (up), reclaim, stop [fill] (up), plug, make up for (jp.), cover
埋める: uzumeru
埋まる: umaru: be buried (in), be filled up (with)
埋もれる: uzumoreru
埋もれる: umoreru
埋め込む: umekomu: embed <<<
Kanji words: 埋立 , 埋葬
Expressions: 土に埋める , 穴を埋める , 空白を埋める , 地中に埋める , 赤字を埋める , 地下に埋める , ギャップを埋める

category: common usage
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 10
translation: arrive, reach
致る: itaru: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach, extend (to), cover, come to do, end [result] (in) <<< ,
致す: itasu: do (pol., jp.)
Kanji words: 致命 , 拉致 , 致死 , 一致
Expressions: 如何致しまして

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 10
translation: trunk, body, torso
dou, tou
胴: dou: trunk, body, torso, frame, plastron
胴が長い: douganagai: have a long body <<<
胴が短い: dougamijikai: have a short body <<<
Kanji words: 胴輪 , 胴着 , 胴体
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 10
translation: symptom (of an illness)
症: shirushi: symptom, omen, sign <<<
Kanji words: 炎症 , 蓄膿症 , 症状 , 症候 , 敗血症 , 重症 , 自閉症
Expressions: 対人恐怖症 , 貧血症 , 露出症 , 虚言症 , 花粉症 , 欠乏症 , 血栓症 , 脱毛症 , 感染症 , 動脈硬化症 , 硬化症 , 不眠症 , 中毒症 , 登校拒否症 , 合併症 , 関節症 , 痴呆症 , 心身症 , 神経症 , 恐怖症 , 分裂症 , 分裂症の , 熱中症 , 適応症 , 認知症 , 憂鬱症 , 併存症 , 巨人症

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: realize, understand, illumination
悟る: satoru: realize, become aware of
悟り: satori: awakening, apprehension, illumination
悟りが早い: satorigahayai: be of quick comprehension <<<
悟りが遅い: satorigaosoi: be of slow [dull] comprehension <<<
悟りが良い: satorigaii: be clever <<<
悟りが悪い: satorigawarui: be dull <<<
悟りを開く: satoriohiraku: be religiously [spiritually] awakened <<<
Kanji words: 覚悟 , 悟性 , 悟空
related words: , 理解

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 10
translation: battle formation, camp, position
陣を敷く: jinnoshiku: take up a position <<<
Kanji words: 退陣 , 陣地 , 陣痛
Expressions: 首脳陣 , 投手陣 , 報道陣 , 陣羽織

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 10
translation: fall, entrap, ensnare, allure, capture
kan, ken
陥る: ochiiru: fall [get] into, lapse into
陥れる: otoshiireru: entrap (a person), ensnare, allure, capture
Kanji words: 陥落 , 欠陥
Expressions: 恋に陥る , 罪に陥れる , 危篤に陥る , 手中に陥る , 誘惑に陥る , 危地に陥る , 危地に陥れる , 危険に陥る , 恐慌に陥る , 重体に陥る , 危機に陥る , 窮地に陥る , 窮地に陥れる , 困難に陥る , ジレンマに陥る , ピンチに陥る , スランプに陥る
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