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Direct access: 独裁 , 奴隷 , 名残 , 南北 , 年貢 , 年代 , 年表 , 伯爵 , 覇権 , 覇者


pronunciation: dokusai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , politics
translation: autocracy, despotism, tyranny
独裁の: dokusaino: dictatorial, despotic, autocratic
独裁する: dokusaisuru: have under one's despotic rule, hold an absolute authority
独裁者: dokusaisha: dictator, autocrat, despot, tyrant <<<
独裁国: dokusaikoku: autocratic nation <<<
独裁国家: dokusaikokka <<< 国家
独裁政治: dokusaiseiji: dictatorial government <<< 政治
独裁体制: dokusaitaisei: dictatorial regime <<< 体制
独裁君主: dokusaikunshu: despotic monarch <<< 君主
独裁君主国: dokusaikunshukoku: absolute monarchy <<<
related words: 専制


pronunciation: dorei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: slave
奴隷にする: doreinisuru: enslave
奴隷の様な: doreinoyouna: slavish, servile <<<
奴隷船: doreisen: slave ship <<<
奴隷根性: doreikonjou: servile spirit <<< 根性
奴隷売買: doreibaibai: slave trade <<< 売買
奴隷制度: doreiseido: slavery <<< 制度
奴隷商人: doreishounin: slave trader <<< 商人
奴隷開放: doreikaihou: liberation of slaves <<< 開放
奴隷禁止: doreikinshi: antislavery <<< 禁止
奴隷廃止: doreihaishi: abolitionism <<< 廃止
情欲の奴隷: jouyokunodorei: slave of passion <<< 情欲


pronunciation: nagori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , history
translation: traces, remains, vestiges, separation of persons, farewells
名残惜しむ: nagorioshimu: be sorry to part from (a person) <<<
synonyms: 痕跡


pronunciation: nanboku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , position
translation: North and South
南北朝: nanbokuchou: Northern and Southern Dynasties (in Japan and China) <<<
南北時代: nanbokuchoujidai: Northern and Southern Courts period (1336-1392 in Japan, 439-589 in China) <<< 時代
南北戦争: nanbokusensou: American Civil War <<< 戦争 , 内戦
南北問題: nanbokumondai: North-South problem <<< 問題
東西南北: touzainanboku: cardinal points <<< 東西
related words: 東西


pronunciation: nengu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: land tax (in kind)
年貢を納める: nenguoosameru: pay land tax <<<
年貢の納め時: nengunoosamedoki: time to pay debt
年貢を取立てる: nenguotoritateru: collect land tax
年貢米: nengumai: rice paid as land tax <<<


pronunciation: nendai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: age, epoch, period, era, date
年代順の: nendaijunnno: chronological <<<
年代順に: nendaijunnni: chronologically
年代記: nendaiki: chronicle, annals <<<
年代史: nendaishi <<<
年代物: nendaimono: period piece, antique article <<<
年代測定: nendaisokutei: dating, ageing, age determination <<< 測定
related words: 時代


pronunciation: nenpyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: chronology, chronological table


pronunciation: hakushaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: earl, count
伯爵の: hakushakuno: of earl
伯爵領: hakushakuryou: earldom, county <<<
伯爵夫人: hakushakuhujin: countess <<< 夫人
ドラキュラ伯爵: dorakyurahakushaku: Count Dracula <<< ドラキュラ
related words: 公爵 , 子爵 , 侯爵 , 男爵


pronunciation: haken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: supremacy, leadership, hegemony
覇権を争う: hakennoarasou: fight [struggle] for <<<
覇権を握る: hakennonigiru: gain [hold] supremacy <<<
覇権主義: hakenshugi: hegemonism <<< 主義


pronunciation: hasha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history
translation: supreme ruler, hegemonist, great champion
related words: 覇権

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