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Direct access: 同化 , 恫喝 , 動画 , 動悸 , 同期 , 動機 , 同級 , 同居 , 同義 , 動議


pronunciation: douka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: assimilation
同化する: doukasuru: assimilate
同化力: doukaryoku: assimilative power <<<
同化作用: doukasayou: process of assimilation <<< 作用


pronunciation: doukatsu
kanji characters:
keyword: crime
translation: threat, intimidation
恫喝する: doukatsusuru: threaten, intimidate


pronunciation: douga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer , show
translation: animation, animated cartoon, video
動画の: dougano: animated
動画映画: dougaeiga: animation movie, anime <<< 映画 , アニメ
盗撮動画: tousatsudouga: secret [covert] movie [film] <<< 盗撮
related words: 漫画 , ビデオ


pronunciation: douki
kanji characters:
keyword: medicine
translation: palpitation, pulsation, beating, flutter (n.)
動悸がする: doukigasuru: palpitate, beat, throb, flutter (v.)
related words: 鼓動


pronunciation: douki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , physics
translation: the same period, synchronism
同期の: doukino: of the same year [class], synchronous
同期生: doukisei: classmate <<<
related words: 同級 , 同窓


pronunciation: douki
kanji characters: ,
translation: motive, motivation, incentive (to an action, to doing)
が動機で: gadoukide: motivated [prompted] by
related words: 理由


pronunciation: doukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: the same grade [class]
同級生: doukyuusei: classmate <<<
related words: 同窓 , 同期


pronunciation: doukyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: living together
同居する: doukyosuru: live together
同居人: doukyonin: inmate <<<
related words: 別居


pronunciation: dougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: synonymity, synonymy
同義性: dougisei <<<
同義の: dougino: synonymous
同義語: dougigo: synonym <<<


pronunciation: dougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: motion
動議を出す: dougiodasu: move [make] a motion <<<
動議を提出する: dougioteishutsusuru <<< 提出
動議を可決する: dougiokaketsusuru: carry a motion <<< 可決
動議を否決する: dougiohiketsusuru: reject a motion <<< 否決
動議を撤回する: dougiotekkaisuru: withdraw a motion <<< 撤回
反対動議: hantaidougi: counter motion, cross-motion <<< 反対
緊急動議: kinkyuudougi: urgent motion <<< 緊急

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