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Direct access: 寄宿 , 休憩 , 給食 , 教員 , 教科 , 教官 , 共学 , 教師 , 教室 , 教授


pronunciation: kishuku
kanji characters: , 宿
keyword: school
translation: lodging, boarding
寄宿する: kishukusuru: lodge [room] (at a person's, at a room)
寄宿舎: kishukusha: dormitory <<<
寄宿舎に入る: kishukushanihairu: enter into a boarding (school) <<<
寄宿舎に入れる: kishukushaniireru: put a person into a boarding (school) <<<
寄宿人: kishukunin: lodger, boarder, roomer <<<
寄宿生: kishukusei: boarding student, hoarder <<<
寄宿料: kishukuryou: boarding wages <<<
寄宿学校: kishukugakkou: boarding school <<< 学校
related words: 通学


pronunciation: kyuukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , school
translation: rest (n.), recess, break
休憩する: kyuukeisuru: rest (v.), recess, break
休憩室: kyuukeishitsu: lounge, resting room, foyer <<<
休憩所: kyuukeijo: resting spot <<<
休憩時間: kyuukeijikan: recess, interval <<< 時間
related words: 休息 , 休養


pronunciation: kyuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , school
translation: supply of food, school lunch
給食する: kyuushokusuru: provide lunch (for school children)
給食費: kyuushokuhi: (school) lunch fee <<<
学校給食: gakkoukyuushoku: school lunch <<< 学校


pronunciation: kyouin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: teacher, instructor, school-teacher, school-master, teaching staff
教員室: kyouinshitsu: teachers' room <<<
教員組合: kyouinkumiai: teachers' union <<< 組合
教員免許: kyouinmenkyo: teacher's certificate <<< 免許
教員免状: kyouinmenjou <<< 免状
教員会議: kyouinkaigi: teacher's conference <<< 会議
専任教員: sennninkyouin: full-time teacher <<< 専任
synonyms: 先生 , 教師 , 教官


pronunciation: kyouka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: course of study, school curriculum
教科書: kyoukasho: textbook, schoolbook <<<
related words: 科目 , 課程 , 学科


pronunciation: kyoukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: instructor, teacher
related words: 教員 , 先生


pronunciation: kyougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: coeducation, mixed education
共学の: kyougakuno: coeducational
共学の学校: kyougakunogakkou: coeducational school <<< 学校
男女共学: danjokyougaku: coeducation, mixed education <<< 男女


pronunciation: kyoushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: teacher, instructor, educator
教師をする: kyoushiosuru: teach school, teach
教師に成る: kyoushininaru: become a teacher <<<
女教師: onnnakyoushi, jokyoushi: woman teacher, schoolmistress <<<
担任教師: tannninkyoushi: teacher in charge (of) <<< 担任
外人教師: gaijinkyoushi: foreign teacher <<< 外人
語学教師: gogakukyoushi: language teacher [instructor] <<< 語学
家庭教師: kateikyoushi: private teacher <<< 家庭
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher <<< 受持
英語の教師: eigonokyoushi: teacher of English, English teacher <<< 英語
体操教師: taisoukyoushi: gymnastic teacher <<< 体操
音楽教師: ongakukyoushi: music teacher <<< 音楽
個人教師: kojinkyoushi: tutor, private teacher <<< 個人
フェンシング教師: fenshingukyoushi: fencing master <<< フェンシング
ピアノ教師: pianokyoushi: piano teacher <<< ピアノ
synonyms: 先生 , 教員


pronunciation: kyoushitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: classroom, schoolroom
漂流教室: hyouryuukyoushitsu: drifting classroom (a manga of Kazuo Umeki, 1972 – 1974) <<< 漂流
青空教室: aozorakyoushitsu: open-air class <<< 青空
水泳教室: suieikyoushitsu: swimming class <<< 水泳
調理教室: chourikyoushitsu: cockery [cooking] course, cooking class <<< 調理
階段教室: kaidankyoushitsu: lecture theater <<< 階段
synonyms: クラス


pronunciation: kyouju
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: professor, university teacher, lessons
教授する: kyoujusuru: teach, instruct, give lessons
教授を受ける: kyoujuoukeru: take lessons <<<
教授団: kyoujudan: faculty [teaching] stuff <<<
教授会: kyoujukai: faculty meeting <<<
教授法: kyoujuhou: teaching method, pedagogy <<<
助教授: jokyouju: assistant professor <<<
準教授: junkyouju: associate professor <<<
大学教授: daigakukyouju: university [college] professor <<< 大学
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 出張
名誉教授: meiyokyouju: emeritus <<< 名誉
主任教授: shuninkyouju: head [tenured, full] professor <<< 主任

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