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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27
Direct access: 同窓 , 銅像 , 同族 , 導体 , 動態 , 胴体 , 同調 , 童貞 , 道徳 , 堂々


pronunciation: dousou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: the same school
同窓の: dousouno: from the same school
同窓会: dousoukai: alumni [alumnae] association, old boy's association, alumni meeting [reunion] <<<
同窓会誌: dousoukaishi: alumni bulletin <<< 会誌
同窓生: dousousei: fellow student, schoolmate, alumnus, alumna (f.) <<<
related words: 同級 , 同期


pronunciation: douzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: bronze statue


pronunciation: douzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , chemistry
translation: the same family [tribe], homology
同族の: douzokuno: of the same family, homologous
同族体: douzokutai: homologue <<<
同族会社: douzokugaisha: family partnership <<< 会社
同族結婚: douzokukekkon: endogamy <<< 結婚


pronunciation: doutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , electricity
translation: conductor
不導体: hudoutai: nonconductor, bad conductor <<<
良導体: ryoudoutai: good conductor <<<
半導体: handoutai: semiconductor <<<
超伝導体: choudendoutai: superconductor <<< 伝導


pronunciation: doutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: movement
動態統計: doutaitoukei: dynamic statistics <<< 統計


pronunciation: doutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: body, trunk, fuselage
胴体着陸: doutaichakuri: belly-landing <<< 着陸


pronunciation: douchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: communication
translation: alignment, tuning, syntony
同調する: douchousuru: side [agree] with (a person), follow suit, tune
同調して: douchoushite: in alignment [harmony, line] with
同調者: douchousha: partisan, sympathizer <<<
同調回路: douchoukairo: tuning circuit <<< 回路


pronunciation: doutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: chastity (of a man), virginity
童貞の: douteino: virgin (a.)
童貞を守る: douteiomamoru: keep one's chastity <<<
童貞を破る: douteioyaburu: lose one's chastity <<<
related words: 処女


pronunciation: doutoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: morality, morals
道徳上の: doutokujouno: moral <<<
道徳的: doutokuteki <<<
道徳的に: doutokutekini: morally, from the moral point of view
道徳家: doutokuka: virtuous man <<<
道徳律: doutokuritsu: moral law [code] <<<
道徳観: doutokukan: moral view <<<
道徳心: doutokushin: moral sense, morality <<<
道徳感覚: doutokukankaku <<< 感覚
道徳教育: doutokukyouiku: moral education <<< 教育
不道徳: hudoutoku: immorality <<<
不道徳な: hudoutokuna: immoral
公衆道徳: koushuudoutoku: public morality <<< 公衆
既成道徳: kiseidoutoku: positive morality <<< 既成
実践道徳: jissendoutoku: practical morality <<< 実践
商人道徳: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<< 商人
related words: 倫理 , モラル


pronunciation: doudou
kanji characters:
translation: in a dignified manner, with great dignity, with an imposing air, magnificently
堂々と: doudouto
堂々たる: doudoutaru: grand, staely, magnificent, imposing, majestic, dignified, commanding
堂々巡り: doudoumeguri: round going, doom loop, vicious circle, vote in the Diet <<<
堂々巡りする: doudoumegurisuru: go round for voting (in the Diet)
related words: 貫禄

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