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Direct access: 無敵 , 優位 , 優勝 , 優勢 , 有利 , 落伍 , 陸上 , 劣勢 , 連携 , 練習


pronunciation: muteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: invincibility
無敵の: mutekino: invincible, unbeaten, matchless
無敵艦隊: mutekikantai: Invincible Armada <<< 艦隊


pronunciation: yuui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: dominant [prominent] position, predominance
優位に立つ: yuuinitatsu: get [gain] an advantage (over) <<<
優位を保つ: yuuiotamotsu: maintain predominance (over) <<<
related words: 優勢


pronunciation: yuushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: championship, victory
優勝する: yuushousuru: win championship
優勝争い: yuushouarasoi: contention for a championship, pennant race <<<
優勝杯: yuushouhai: championship cup, trophy <<<
優勝旗: yuushouki: champion flag, pennant <<<
優勝者: yuushousha: victor, winner, champion <<<
優勝戦: yuushousen: championship tournament, the finals <<<
優勝試合: yuushoushiai <<< 試合
優勝劣敗: yuushoureppai: survival of the fittest
優勝チーム: yuushouchiimu: winning team <<< チーム
優勝パレード: yuushoupareedo: triumphal procession <<< パレード


pronunciation: yuusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: predominance, superiority, lead, favor, advantage
優勢な: yuuseina: dominant, superior, strong, favorable, advantageous
優勢である: yuuseidearu: be dominant (favorable, advantageous)
優勢に成る: yuuseininaru: gain in strength, gain an advantage over, gain ground <<<
優勢を保つ: yuuseiotamotsu: maintain a superior position (an advantage) over, have the edge on <<<
related words: 劣勢


pronunciation: yuuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: advantage, vantage
有利な: yuurina: advantageous, favorable, profitable
有利に: yuurini: advantageously, favorably, profitably
antonyms: 不利


pronunciation: rakugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: lag (n.)
落伍する: rakugosuru: drop behind [out of line], straggle, lag (v.)
落伍者: rakugosha: straggler, social failure <<<
related words: 失敗


pronunciation: rikujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , sport
translation: land (n.), surface
陸上の: rikujouno: land (a.), surface
陸上で: rikujoude: on land (shore)
陸上勤務: rikujoukinmu: on shore duty <<< 勤務
陸上輸送: rikujouyusou: overland transportation <<< 輸送
陸上競技: rikujoukyougi: athleticism, track sports <<< 競技
陸上自衛隊: rikujoujieitai: Ground Self-Defense Force
大邱世界陸上: taikyuusekairikujou: Daegu [Taegu] World Championships in Athletics (2011) <<< 大邱
related words: 海上


pronunciation: ressei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: inferiority, weakness, handicap, disadvantage
劣勢な: resseina: inferior, weak, unfavorable, handicapped, disadvantageous
劣勢の: resseino
related words: 優勢


pronunciation: renkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: cooperation, collaboration, connection, linking
連携する: renkeisuru: cooperate, collaborate
連携を保つ: renkeiotamotsu: keep in touch (contact) with <<<
連携動作: renkeidousa: teamwork <<< 動作
連携プレー: renkeipuree <<< プレー


pronunciation: renshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , education
translation: training, exercise, practice
練習する: renshuusuru: exercise (v.), train
練習場: renshuujou: training ground <<<
練習所: renshuusho, renshuujo <<<
練習着: renshuugi: training suit, sweat suit, track suit <<<
練習機: renshuuki: training plane <<<
練習船: renshuusen: training ship <<<
練習曲: renshuukyoku: an étude <<<
練習生: renshuusei: student, apprentice <<<
練習帖: renshuuchou: exercise book, workbook <<<
練習問題: renshuumondai: an exercise <<< 問題
練習飛行: renshuuhikou: training flight <<< 飛行
練習不足: renshuubusoku: lack of exercises <<< 不足
練習試合: renshuujiai: training match <<< 試合
音階を練習する: onkaiorenshuusuru: do scales <<< 音階
synonyms: 演習 , ドリル

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