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Direct access: 離反 , 略奪 , 榴弾 , 領空 , 領土 , 旅団 , 冷戦 , 劣勢 , 連合 , 連隊


pronunciation: rihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: estrangement, alienation
離反する: rihansuru: be estranged [alienated] (from), revolt (against)


pronunciation: ryakudatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , crime
translation: plunder (n.), pillage, sack
略奪する: ryakudatsusuru: plunder (v.), pillage, loot, sack, strip (a person) of (a thing)
略奪者: ryakudatsusha: plunderer, looter, predator, marauder, spoiler <<<
略奪品: ryakudatsuhin: spoils, loot, plunder, booty <<<
略奪物: ryakudatsubutsu <<<


pronunciation: ryuudan
kanji characters:
keyword: war
translation: high explosive shell
榴弾砲: ryuudanpou, ryuudanhou: howitzer <<<


pronunciation: ryoukuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , airplane
translation: territorial air
領空侵犯: ryoukuushinpan: violation of territorial air space
related words: 領海 , 領土


pronunciation: ryoudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , politics , war
translation: territory, dominion, possession, land (of a country)
領土の: ryoudono: territorial
領土権: ryoudoken: territorial rights <<<
領土欲: ryoudoyoku: desire for more territories <<<
領土侵略: ryoudoshinryaku: invasion of a territory <<< 侵略
領土保全: ryoudohozen: territorial integrity
北方領土: hoppouryoudo: northern territory (of Japan), south Kuril <<< 北方
スルタンの領土: surutannnoryoudo: sultanate <<< スルタン
related words: 領海 , 領空


pronunciation: ryodan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: brigade
旅団長: ryodanchou: brigadier <<<


pronunciation: reisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: cold war


pronunciation: ressei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: inferiority, weakness, handicap, disadvantage
劣勢な: resseina: inferior, weak, unfavorable, handicapped, disadvantageous
劣勢の: resseino
related words: 優勢


pronunciation: rengou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history , politics
translation: alliance, union, combination, federation, coalition
連合の: rengouno: combined, allied, united, associated, joint
連合する: rengousuru: ally, unite, combine, join
連合して: rengoushite: in combination (concert, alliance) with
連合軍: rengougun: Allied Forces <<<
連合国: rengoukoku: Allied Powers <<<
連合作戦: rengousakusen: combined operations <<< 作戦
連合艦隊: rengoukantai: combined fleet <<< 艦隊
連合政権: rengouseiken: coalition government <<< 政権
国際連合: kokusairengou: United Nations <<< 国際
欧州連合: oushuurengou: European Union <<< 欧州
企業連合: kigyourengou: cartel <<< 企業
アフリカ連合: ahurikarengou: African union <<< アフリカ
ヨーロッパ連合: yooropparengou: European Union <<< ヨーロッパ
related words: 枢軸


pronunciation: rentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: regiment
連隊の: rentaino: regimental
連隊長: rentaichou: regimental commander <<<
連隊旗: rentaiki: regimental colors <<<
近衛連隊: konoerentai: Imperial Guard Regiment <<< 近衛
歩兵連隊: hoheirentai: infantry regiment <<< 歩兵
related words: 師団 , 大隊 , 中隊 , 小隊

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