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Direct access: 練粉 , 寝業 , 粘液 , 年鑑 , 年間 , 年賀 , 念願 , 年級 , 年金 , 年貢


pronunciation: neriko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 練り粉
keyword: food
translation: dough, pasta
related words: パスタ


pronunciation: newaza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: lying-down trick


pronunciation: nenneki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: mucus, viscous liquid
粘液性の: nennekiseino: mucous, viscous <<<
粘液質の: nennekishitsuno <<<
粘液質の人: nennekishitsunohito: person of phlegmatic temperament, phlegmatic person <<<


pronunciation: nenkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: yearbook, annual
統計年鑑: toukeinenkan: statistical yearbook <<< 統計
ジェーン年鑑: jeennnenkan: Jane's Fighting Ships <<< ジェーン


pronunciation: nenkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: yearly, annual
年間平均: nenkanheikin: annual [yearly] average <<< 平均
年間予算: nenkannyosan: annual budget <<< 予算


pronunciation: nenga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: New Year's greeting
年賀に行く: nenganiiku: make [pay] a New Year's call <<<
年賀状: nengajou: New Year's card <<<
年賀客: nengakyaku: New Year's caller <<<
年賀郵便: nengayuubin: New Year's mail <<< 郵便
synonyms: 年始
related words: 新年


pronunciation: nengan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: one's heart's desire, one's dearest wish
念願が叶う: nengangakanau: One's prayer has been answered [fulfilled] <<<
念願が成就する: nengangajoujusuru <<< 成就
related words: 悲願


pronunciation: nenkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: school year
synonyms: 学年


pronunciation: nenkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: pension, annuity
年金受領者: nenkinjuryousha: pensioner, annuitant
終身年金: shuushinnnenkin: life annuity (pension) <<< 終身
遺族年金: izokunenkin: survivor's annuity [pension] <<< 遺族
定期年金: teikinenkin: terminable annuity <<< 定期
養老年金: yourounenkin: old-age pension <<< 養老
退職年金: taishokunenkin: retirement annuity <<< 退職
厚生年金: kouseinenkin: welfare pension [annuity] <<< 厚生
国民年金: kokuminnnenkin: (national) pension <<< 国民
確定拠出年金: kakuteikyoshitsunenkin: defined contribution plan, Japanese 401k <<< 確定


pronunciation: nengu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: land tax (in kind)
年貢を納める: nenguoosameru: pay land tax <<<
年貢の納め時: nengunoosamedoki: time to pay debt
年貢を取立てる: nenguotoritateru: collect land tax
年貢米: nengumai: rice paid as land tax <<<

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