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Direct access: 油性 , 煉瓦


pronunciation: yusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: oiliness, greasiness
油性の: yuseino: oily, greasy
油性塗料: yuseitoryou: oil paint <<< 塗料


pronunciation: renga
kanji characters:
keyword: construction , material
translation: brick
煉瓦を焼く: rengaoyaku: burn [bake, fire, make] bricks <<<
煉瓦を積む: rengaotsumu: lay bricks <<<
煉瓦色の: rengairono: brick-red <<<
煉瓦造りの: rengaZukurino: brick-built <<<
煉瓦造りの家: rengaZukurinoie: brick house <<<
煉瓦の家: renganoie
煉瓦塀: rengabei: brick wall <<<
煉瓦職: rengashoku: brick-layer <<<
煉瓦職人: rengashokunin <<< 職人
煉瓦工場: rengakoujou: brickyard <<< 工場

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