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Direct access: 新築 , 地盤 , 砂利 , 城壁 , 隙間 , 整地 , 設営 , 接合 , 側面 , 増設


pronunciation: shinchiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: new build [building, construction]
新築の: shinchikuno: newly-built, new-built
新築する: shinchikusuru: build [construct] (a new house), have (a new house) build
新築祝い: shinchikuiwai: ceremony of inauguration, inaugural ceremony <<<


pronunciation: jiban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: foundation, ground, base, one's constituency [district], footing, foothold
地盤を固める: jibannokatameru: harden the foundation, solidify one's footing <<<
地盤沈下: jibanchinka: subsidence of the ground [land]


pronunciation: jari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: gravel, pebbles, shingle, kid, brat
砂利を敷く: jarioshiku: gravel (a road) <<<
砂利道: jarimichi: gravel walk (road) <<<


pronunciation: jouheki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , construction
translation: castle wall, rampart
城壁を設ける: jouhekiomoukeru: build a rampart [wall] <<<


pronunciation: sukima
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap
隙間が有る: sukimagaaru: be slightly open <<<
隙間の無い: sukimanonai: hermetic, tight <<<
隙間無く: sukimanaku: compactly, closely, all over (the surface)
隙間から覗く: sukimakaranozoku: peep through the opening <<<
隙間に詰める: sukimanitsumeru: stuff into a crevice <<<
隙間風: sukimakaze: draft, draught <<<


pronunciation: seichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: land readjustment, soil preparation
整地する: seichisuru: readjust the land, prepare the soil


pronunciation: setsuei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: construction, installation, encampment
設営する: setsueisuru: construct, prepare, arrange, install, set up camp
related words: 設置


pronunciation: setsugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: connection, assemblage
接合する: setsugousuru: unit, join, connect, inosculate
接合部: setsugoubu: junction <<< , ジャンクション
接合剤: setsugouzai: bonding agent <<<
接合体: setsugoutai: zygote <<<
related words: 接着


pronunciation: sokumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction , war
translation: side (n.), flank
側面の: sokumennno: side (a.), flank, lateral
側面図: sokumenzu: side [lateral] view <<<
側面攻撃: sokumenkougeki: flank attack <<< 攻撃


pronunciation: zousetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: increase (n.)
増設する: zousetsusuru: increase (v.), establish more, install more

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