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Direct access: 天性 , 転送 , 天体 , 天地 , 店長 , 点滴 , 天敵 , 店頭 , 点灯 , 天道


pronunciation: tensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: nature, natural disposition, temperament
天性の: tenseino: natural, innate
天性の詩人: tenseinoshijin: born poet <<< 詩人
天性の商人: tenseinoshounin: born merchant <<< 商人
related words: 自然


pronunciation: tensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: transmission, forwarding
転送する: tensousuru: transmit, forward, send on
転送先: tensousaki: forwarding address <<<
メール転送: meerutensou: mail forward <<< メール


pronunciation: tentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy
translation: celestial bodies, heavenly bodies
天体の: tentaino: supernal, cosmic, celestial, spherical
天体図: tentaizu: celestial map <<<
天体儀: tentaigi: celestial globe <<<
天体力学: tentairikigaku: celestial mechanics <<< 力学
天体観測: tentaikansoku: astronomical observation <<< 観測
天体望遠鏡: tentaibouenkyou: astronomical telescope <<< 望遠鏡
天体物理学: tentaibutsurigaku: astrophysics
related words: 天文


pronunciation: tenchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: heaven and earth, the universe, top and bottom, world, sphere
天地人: tenchijin: heaven earth and man (three major components of the world according to Chinese philosophy), a Japanese TV-drama (2009) <<<
天地無用: tenchimuyou: This side up <<< 無用
天地開闢: tenchikaibyaku: beginning [creation] of the world
新天地: shintenchi: new world <<<
別天地: bettenchi: a different world <<<
related words: 宇宙 , 世界


pronunciation: tenchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: shop manager
related words: マネージャー


pronunciation: tenteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: drop, raindrop, drip, infusion
点滴する: tentekisuru: instill
点滴注射: tentekichuusha: drip infusion <<< 注射


pronunciation: tenteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: natural enemy


pronunciation: tentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop , finance
translation: shop front, shop window
店頭に出す: tentounidasu: put (articles) on sale <<<
店頭に飾る: tentounikazaru: display (articles) in a shop window <<<
店頭に並べる: tentouninaraberu <<<
店頭価格: tentoukakaku: shop price, retail price <<< 価格
店頭市場: tentoushijou: over-the-counter market <<< 市場
店頭取引: tentoutorihiki: over-the-counter dealings <<< 取引
店頭装飾: tentousoushoku: window dressing <<< 装飾
店頭陳列: tentouchinretsu: window display <<< 陳列


pronunciation: tentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: lightening, ignition
点灯する: tentousuru: light (a lamp), switch [turn] on a light, ignite
点灯時間: tentoujikan: lightening hour <<< 時間
点灯装置: tentousouchi: lightening system, ignition device, igniter <<< 装置


pronunciation: tentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: insect , christianity
translation: way of Heaven, Providence
天道虫: tentoumushi: ladybird, ladybug <<<

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