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category: common usage
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 18
translation: weave
shoku, shiki, shi
織る: oru: weave
織り込む: orikomu: interweave, incorporate a thing into another thing <<<
Kanji words: 組織 , 錦織 , 織物 , 手織 , 羽織 , 機織
Expressions: 錦を織る , 機を織る , 木綿織 , カシミヤ織

category: common usage
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 18
translation: repair, mend
zen, sen
繕う: tsukurou: repair (v.), mend, patch up
繕い: tsukuroi: repair (n.), mending
Kanji words: 修繕
Expressions: 綻びを繕う , 体裁を繕う , 外見を繕う

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 19
translation: wind, reel, spin
繰る: kuru: wind (vt.), spin, set one after another (jp.)
繰り: kuri: a kind of melody (jp.)
繰り上げる: kuriageru: move up, advance <<<
繰り合わせる: kuriawaseru: make [find] time, arrange matters <<<
繰り入れる: kuriireru: add [transfer] (to), put in <<<
繰り込む: kurikomu: transfer (to), carry forward, march [troop] on, file in <<<
繰り返し: kurikaeshi: repetition, reiteration, refrain <<<
繰り返す: kurikaesu: repeat, do (a matter) over again <<<
繰り替える: kurikaeru: change, exchange, appropriate <<<
繰り下げる: kurisageru: carry [shift, move] down, postpone <<<
繰り出す: kuridasu: let [draw] out, thrust, troop [file] out, dispatch, sally forth <<<
繰り広げる: kurihirogeru: unfold, unroll <<<
Kanji words: 絡繰
Expressions: 勘繰る , 舵を繰る , 巻き繰る , 資金繰り
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 10
translation: fine silk (goods)
紗: usuginu
related words:

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 10
translation: string, cord, lace, tie, knot, bind, relation
chuu, juu
紐: himo: string, cord, lace, fancy man (jp.)
紐で結ぶ: himodemusubu: tie (strings) <<<
紐を解く: himoohodoku: untie (strings) <<<
紐を通す: himootoosu: pass a string <<<
Kanji words: 靴紐 , 組紐
synonyms: コード

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 10
translation: string, cord
紘: himo: string, cord
紘: ooZuna: thick cord <<< 大綱

category: JIS1
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 14
translation: red, scarlet
緋: aka
緋の衣: hinokoromo: crimson robe <<<
Kanji words: 緋色
related words: , スカーレット

category: JIS1
keyword: grammar , book
Number of strokes: 14
translation: spell, write, compose, bind, sew
tei, tetsu
綴る: tsuZuru: spell, write, compose (a document), bind (a book), sew <<< スペル
綴り: tsuZuri: spelling (n.), orthography
綴りの: tsuZurino: spelling (a.)
綴りの誤り: tsuZurinoayamari: misspelling <<<
綴り合せ: tsuZuriawase: binding, patching <<<
綴り合せる: tsuZuriawaseru: bind [sew] together <<<
綴じる: tojiru: bind (a book), sew

category: JIS1
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 14
translation: rip, tear, rent
tan, dan
綻びる: hokorobiru: be rent [ripped], begin to open, smile (v.)
綻ぶ: hokorobu
綻び: hokorobi: burst [open] seam
綻びた: hokorobita: unstitched
綻びを直す: hokorobionaosu: mend a rent <<<
綻びを繕う: hokorobiotsukurou <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 14
translation: twill, damask
綾: aya: twill, damask, context (jp.), pers.

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