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category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 11
translation: draw, paint, sketch, describe, depict, delineate
描く: egaku: draw, paint, sketch, draw [paint] a picture of, make a picture [painting, drawing, sketch] of, describe, depict, delineate, picture (a matter) in one's mind, imagine, visualize
Kanji words: 描写 , 絵描 , 素描
Expressions: 輪を描く , 眉を描く , 絵を描く , 円を描く , 心に描く , 漫画を描く , 輪郭を描く , 半円を描く , 曲線を描く , 横顔を描く , 人物を描く , クレヨンで描く

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: detain
控える: hikaeru: detain, keep [hold] back (jp.), abstain [restrain oneself] (from doing), be temperate in doing, eschew, postpone, put off, give up, make a note of, note down
控え: hikae: note, memorandum, duplicate, counterfoil, stub, prop, stay <<< コピー
控えを取る: hikaeotoru: take [make] a copy (of) <<<
Kanji words: 控除
Expressions: 売り控える , 差し控える

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: grasp, grip, seize
握る: nigiru: grasp (v.), grip, hold (a thing) in one's hands, seize
握り: nigiri: grasp (n.), grip, knob, handle, sushi (jp.) <<< ハンドル
握り締める: nigirishimeru: grasp [grip, hold] tightly, clasp <<<
握り潰す: nigiritsubusu: crush (a thing) in one's hand, shelve, pigeohole, kill [table] (a bill) <<<
Kanji words: 握手 , 把握 , 御握り , 握力
Expressions: 拳を握る , 拳を握って , 手を握る , 権力を握る , 覇権を握る , 政権を握る , 手首を握る , 尻尾を握る , 制空権を握る , 制海権を握る , ハンドルを握る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: change, exchange, substitute, replace
換える: kaeru: change (vt.), exchange <<< ,
換わる: kawaru: substitute, replace <<< ,
Kanji words: 乗換 , 換金 , 換気 , 物々交換 , 換言 , 引換 , 交換 , 転換
Expressions: 言い換える

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 12
translation: raise, lift, elevate, hold up, hoist, increase
揚げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, increase <<< ,
揚がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<< ,
揚: age: fry (suff., jp.) <<< フライ
Kanji words: 水揚 , 空揚 , 揚羽 , 高揚 , 揚足 , 揚陸艦
Expressions: 名を揚げる , 凧を揚げる , 錨を揚げる , 油で揚げる , 国旗を揚げる , 精進揚 , 意気揚々 , 意気揚々と , 薩摩揚げ , 実例を揚げる , スローガンを揚げる

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: rescue, help, aid, relief
援く: hiku: pull (pull the hand to help), draw, haul <<<
援ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support <<<
Kanji words: 支援 , 援助 , 後援 , 援護 , 救援 , 応援

category: common usage
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 12
translation: carry, load, embark, take in
搭せる: noseru
Kanji words: 搭載 , 搭乗

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 12
translation: shake, rock, swing, sway, waver, flicker, jolt, wiggle
揺する: yusuru: shake (vt.), rock, swing
揺すぶる: yusuburu
揺らす: yurasu
揺さぶる: yusaburu
揺さぶり: yusaburi: shake (n.), rock, swing
揺れる: yureru: shake (vi.), sway, rock, swing. flicker, jolt, wiggle, fizzle
揺る: yuru
揺れ: yure: shaking, shake (n.), swaying motion, tremor, shock, jolting, rolling, pitching
揺らぐ: yuragu: swing, sway, shake, waver, flicker
揺るぐ: yurugu: waver, shake
揺るぎない: yuruginai: firm, solid, secure, steady
揺るがす: yurugasu: shake, swing, sway, shock, undermine, jog
揺り動かす: yuriugokasu <<<
揺り起こす: yuriokosu: shake (a person) out of sleep, wake (a person) by shaking <<<
揺り落とす: yuriotosu: shake down <<<
揺く: ugoku: move (vi.), stir, shake, swing, sway, <<<
Kanji words: 揺籠 , 動揺
Expressions: 揺り椅子 , 揺れる火影 , 貧乏揺り

category: common usage
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 13
translation: carry, convey, remove, move, transfer
搬ぶ: mochihakobu: carry, convey
搬す: utsusu: remove [move] (to, into), transfer <<<
Kanji words: 運搬 , 搬入

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: press out, wring
搾る: shiboru
Kanji words: 搾乳 , 搾取
Expressions: 乳を搾る , 油を搾る , 牛乳を搾る

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