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Direct access: 着工 , 通気 , 通風 , 吊橋 , 堤防 , 手摺 , 鉄筋 , 鉄骨 , 塗装 , 突貫


pronunciation: chakkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: start of construction
着工する: chakkousuru: start [begin] construction work
着工式: chakkoushiki: ground breaking ceremony, keel-laying ceremony <<<
related words: 竣工


pronunciation: tsuuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: ventilation, airing, aeration
通気する: tsuukisuru: ventilate, aerate
通気管: tsuukikan: duct <<<
通気口: tsuukikou: airway <<<
通気孔: tsuukikou: intake, outlet, air hole <<<
通気性: tsuukisei: porousness <<<
通気性の: tsuukiseino: porous
通気装置: tsuukisouchi: draft, ventilator <<< 装置
related words: 通風


pronunciation: tsuuhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: ventilation, airing
通風が良い: tsuuhuugaii: be well ventilated, have good ventilation <<<
通風が悪い: tsuuhuugawarui: be badly ventilated, have bad ventilation <<<
通風管: tsuuhuukan: air pipe, ventiduct <<<
通風器: tsuuhuuki: ventilator <<<
通風計: tsuuhuukei: draft gauge <<<
通風口: tsuuhuukou: ventilation hole <<<
通風孔: tsuuhuukou: vent (hole), ventage <<<
通風窓: tsuuhuusou: vent [ventilation] slot <<<
通風装置: tsuuhuusouchi: ventilating device <<< 装置
related words: 通気 , 換気


pronunciation: tsuribashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: suspension bridge
吊橋を架ける: tsuribashiokakeru: suspend a bridge (over), construct a suspension bridge (over) <<<


pronunciation: teibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: bank, embankment, dike, levee
堤防を築く: teibouokizuku: construct [build] an embankment [a dike] <<<
堤防が切れる: teibougakireru: The levee collapses [breaks down] <<<
堤防が決壊する: teibougakekkaisuru
related words: ダム


pronunciation: tesuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: handrail, railing, balustrade, banister


pronunciation: tekkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: steel framework
鉄筋コンクリート: tekkinkonkuriito: reinforced concreted (buildings), ferroconcrete (buildings) <<< コンクリート


pronunciation: tekkotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: iron [steel] frame
鉄骨建築: tekkotsukenchiku: steel-frame building <<< 建築


pronunciation: tosou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: painting, coat (n.)
塗装する: tosousuru: paint, coat (v.)
塗装工: tosoukou: painter <<<
related words: 塗料 , ラック , ペンキ


pronunciation: tokkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: charge, rush
突貫する: tokkansuru: charge (on), rush (at)
突貫工事: tokkankouji: rushwork <<< 工事
突貫作業: tokkansagyou <<< 作業
related words: 突撃

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