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Direct access: 強姦 , 強盗 , 拷問 , 極悪 , 極道 , 誤魔化し , 破落戸 , 詐欺 , 作為 , 搾取


pronunciation: goukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , sex
translation: rape (n.), violation
強姦する: goukansuru: rape (v.), violate, commit rape
強姦犯: goukanhan: rapist <<<
related words: レイプ


pronunciation: goutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: robber, burglar, mugger, robbery, holdup, burglary, heist
強盗する: goutousuru: rob
強盗を働く: goutouohataraku <<<
強盗団: goutoudan: band [gang] of robbers, bunch of crooks <<<
強盗殺人: goutousatsujin: murder with robbery as a motive <<< 殺人
覆面強盗: hukumengoutou: masked robber <<< 覆面
拳銃強盗: kenjuugoutou: holdup <<< 拳銃
集団強盗: shuudangoutou: gang of burglars <<< 集団
銀行強盗: ginkougoutou: bank robbery <<< 銀行
ピストル強盗: pisutorugoutou: hold-up <<< ピストル
synonyms: 盗賊


pronunciation: goumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: torture (n.)
拷問に掛ける: goumonnnikakeru: torture (v.), put (a person) to torture <<<
拷問台: goumondai: rack <<<


pronunciation: gokuaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: heinousness, atrociousness
極悪の: gokuakuno: most wicked, heinous, atrocious
極悪非道な: gokuakuhidouna: diabolical
related words: 最悪


pronunciation: gokudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: hoodlumism, hooliganism, vandalism
極道者: gokudoumono: villain, rake, hoodlum, hooligan, vandal <<<


pronunciation: gomakashi
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: crime
translation: trickery, deception, camouflage
誤魔化しの: gomakashino: sham (a.), false, fraudulent, makeshift, evasive
誤魔化し物: gomakashimono: sham (n.), fake, imitation <<< , 偽物
誤魔化す: gomakasu: deceive, cheat, pocket, embezzle, cook (up), finagle, veneer


pronunciation: gorotsuki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: crime
translation: ruffian, bully
related words: 八九三


pronunciation: sagi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: fraud (n.), swindle (n.), swindling, imposture
詐欺を働く: sagiohataraku: commit a fraud, defraud, swindle (v.) <<<
詐欺に掛かる: saginikakaru: be swindled <<<
詐欺師: sagishi: swindler, impostor, chiseler, trickster, hawk <<<
振込詐欺: hurikomisagi: bank transfer fraud <<< 振込
結婚詐欺: kekkonsagi: matrimonial fraud [swindler] <<< 結婚
特殊詐欺: tokushusagi: phone fraud <<< 特殊
synonyms: 如何様 , ペテン


pronunciation: sakui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: artificiality, intentionality
作為的: sakuiteki: intentional, deliberate <<<
作為犯: sakuihan: deliberate offence <<<
作為動詞: sakuidoushi: factitive [causative] verb <<< 動詞


pronunciation: sakushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: exploitation (of poors, of workers)
搾取する: sakushusuru: squeeze (money) out of (a person), exploit [sweat] (poors, workers)
搾取者: sakushusha: exploiter <<<
中間搾取: chuukansakushu: intermediary exploitation <<< 中間

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