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Direct access: 出世 , 出張 , 主任 , 手腕 , 昇格 , 昇給 , 昇進 , 商人 , 招聘 , 賞与


pronunciation: shusse
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: success in life
出世する: shussesuru: succeed in life, rise in the world, be promoted
出世が速い: shussegahayai: move up quickly, set up fast <<<
出世頭: shussegashira: the most successful man (of the same generation) <<<
related words: 昇進


pronunciation: shutchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: official tour [trip], business trip
出張する: shutchousuru: go (to a place) on official business, make a business trip (to)
出張を命じられる: shutchouomeijirareru: be ordered (to a place) on official business, be dispatched (to) <<<
出張員: shutchouin: an agent, traveling salesman <<<
出張所: shutchousho, shutchoujo: branch office, agency <<<
出張店: shutchouten: branch shop <<< , 支店
出張先: shutchousaki: destination of a business trip <<<
出張中: shutchouchuu: on official business <<<
出張費: shutchouhi: traveling allowance, traveling expenses <<<
出張費用: shutchouhiyou <<< 費用
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 教授


pronunciation: shunin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: person in charge, chief, head
主任技師: shuningishi: chief engineer <<< 技師
主任教授: shuninkyouju: head [tenured, full] professor <<< 教授
捜査主任: sousashunin: chief investigator <<< 捜査
売場主任: uribashunin: department supervisor [manager] <<< 売場


pronunciation: shuwan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: ability, skill, capability, talent
手腕の有る: shuwannnoaru: able, capable, talented <<<
手腕を示す: shuwannoshimesu: display [exercise] one's ability <<<
手腕を見せる: shuwannomiseru <<<
手腕を揮う: shuwannohuruu <<<
手腕を発揮する: shuwannohakkisuru <<< 発揮
手腕家: shuwanka: man of ability, go-getter <<<
related words: 能力


pronunciation: shoukaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: promotion
昇格する: shoukakusuru: be raised to a higher rank [status], be elevated [promoted] (to)
昇格させる: shoukakusaseru: raise to a higher rank, promote
related words: 降格


pronunciation: shoukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: rise [raise] in one's salary [pay]
昇給する: shoukyuusuru: get [have] a rise in one's salary, have one's salary [pay] increased
昇給させる: shoukyuusaseru: increase [raise] a person's salary
antonyms: 減給


pronunciation: shoushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , job
translation: promotion, advancement
昇進する: shoushinsuru: promote, advance, rise
related words: 左遷 , 出世


pronunciation: shounin, akindo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , business
translation: merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman
商人の: shouninnno: mercantile, mercenary
商人根性: shouninkonjou: tradesman's [mercenary] spirit <<< 根性
商人道徳: shounindoutoku: tradesman's morality <<< 道徳
死の商人: shinoshounin: merchant of death, weapon trader <<<
奴隷商人: doreishounin: slave trader <<< 奴隷
薬草商人: yakusoushounin: herbalist <<< 薬草
近江商人: oumishounin: merchants from Omi region <<< 近江
悪徳商人: akutokushounin: wicked [dishonest] traders [dealers] <<< 悪徳
露店商人: rotenshounin: stallkeeper, street vendor <<< 露店
天性の商人: tenseinoshounin: born merchant <<< 天性
縁日の商人: ennnichinoshounin: stallkeeper at a fair <<< 縁日
羊毛商人: youmoushounin: wool merchant <<< 羊毛
街頭商人: gaitoushounin: street trader [vendor] <<< 街頭
中間商人: chuukanshounin: middleman, broker <<< 中間
ベニスの商人: benisunoshounin: The Merchant of Venice (play of William Shakespeare, 1596-1598) <<< ベニス


pronunciation: shouhei
kanji characters:
keyword: job
translation: invitation
招聘する: shouheisuru: invite, extend a call (to), engage
招聘に応じる: shouheinioujiru: accept a call [the offer of a position] <<<
招聘を断る: shouheiokotowaru: refuse a call [the offer of a position] <<<


pronunciation: shouyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: bonus
賞与を与える: shouyooataeru: give a bonus <<<
年末賞与: nenmatsushouyo: year-end bonus <<< 年末
related words: ボーナス

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