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Direct access: 職員 , 職業 , 職種 , 職人 , 職務 , 職歴 , 使用 , 素人 , 辞職 , 侍従


pronunciation: shokuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , education
translation: staff, personnel
職員室: shokuinshitsu: teachers' room, staff room <<<
職員録: shokuinroku: list of government officials, staff list <<<
職員会議: shokuinkaigi: teachers' meeting <<< 会議
職員組合: shokuinkumiai: teachers' federation [union] <<< 組合
女職員: onnnashokuin: female staff <<<
有給職員: yuukyuushokuin: staff member on the payroll <<< 有給
幹部職員: kanbushokuin: officials in responsible posts <<< 幹部


pronunciation: shokugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's occupation, one's business, vocation, calling, profession
職業上の: shokugyoujouno: occupational, vocational, professional <<<
職業別に: shokugyoubetsuni: according to occupation, (classify) by occupation <<<
職業病: shokugyoubyou: occupational disease <<<
職業歴: shokugyoureki: one's business [working] experience [career] <<<
職業学校: shokugyougakkou: vocational school <<< 学校
職業軍人: shokugyougunjin: career [professional] soldier <<< 軍人
職業訓練: shokugyoukunren: vocational training <<< 訓練
職業指導: shokugyoushidou <<< 指導
職業補導: shokugyouhodou: vocational guidance <<< 補導
職業教育: shokugyoukyouiku: vocational education <<< 教育
職業選手: shokugyousenshu: professional player, pro <<< 選手
職業婦人: shokugyouhujin: working [career] woman <<< 婦人
職業紹介: shokugyoushoukai: job [placement, placing] service <<< 紹介
職業安定所: shokugyouanteisho: employment security office
職業案内欄: shokugyouannnairan: wanted columns
related words: 仕事 , 職種


pronunciation: shokushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: sort [kind, type] of occupation
職種別に: shokushubetsuni: according to occupations, (classify) by occupation <<<
related words: 職業


pronunciation: shokunin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: artisan, craftsman, workman
職人の: shokuninnno: craft, handicraft
職人気質: shokuninkatagi: artisan spirit <<< 気質
職人見習: shokuninminarai: craftsman apprentice <<< 見習
職人階級: shokuninkaikyuu: craftsmen <<< 階級
手間職人: temashokunin: piecework man <<< 手間
煉瓦職人: rengashokunin: brick-layer <<< 煉瓦


pronunciation: shokumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: job, work, duties
職務を全うする: shokumuomattousuru: discharge [perform] one's duties <<<
職務を執行する: shokumuoshikkousuru <<< 執行
職務を守る: shokumuomamoru: be faithful to one's duties <<<
職務を怠る: shokumuookotaru: neglect one's duty <<<
職務上の: shokumujouno: official <<<
職務上: shokumujou: officially, as a matter of duty
職務質問: shokumushitsumon: police checkup <<< 質問
職務質問される: shokumushitsumonsareru: be questioned by a policeman
職務規定: shokumukitei: office regulations [instructions], work rules <<< 規定
職務心得: shokumukokoroe <<< 心得
職務遂行: shokumusuikou: performance of one's duties <<< 遂行
職務怠慢: shokumutaiman: neglect of one's duties <<< 怠慢
職務手当: shokumuteate: allowance attached to a post <<< 手当
職務妨害: shokumubougai: interference with a person's duty <<< 妨害
職務を妨害する: shokumuobougaisuru: obstruct a person's duty
related words: 仕事 , 義務


pronunciation: shokureki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's business [working] experience [career]


pronunciation: shiyou
kanji characters: 使 ,
keyword: job
translation: use (n.), usage
使用する: shiyousuru: use (v.), employ
使用される: shiyousareru: be used, be in use
使用に耐える: shiyounitaeru: be fit for use, stand use <<<
使用に供する: shiyounikyuusuru: place at a person's disposal <<<
使用法: shiyouhou: directions for use, manual <<< , マニュアル , 用法
使用人: shiyounin: (house) employee, servant <<< , 下男 , 雇人
使用者: shiyousha: user, employer <<<
使用中: shiyouchuu: occupied <<<
使用権: shiyouken: right of using <<<
使用料: shiyouryou: rent <<<
使用価値: shiyoukachi: utility value <<< 価値
使用禁止: shiyoukinshi: do not use <<< 禁止
未使用: mishiyou: boxed as new, unopened, not used <<<
未使用品: mishiyouhin: unopened goods [article] <<< 用品
synonyms: 利用


pronunciation: shirouto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: amateur
素人の: shiroutono: amateurish, untrained, hobby
素人臭い: shiroutokusai <<<
素人離れした: shiroutobanareshita: far from amateurish, as good as professional <<<
素人考え: shiroutokangae: layman's view [idea] <<<
素人筋: shiroutosuji: outsiders, general public <<<
素人芸: shiroutogei: amateurism <<<
素人芝居: shiroutoshibai: amateur dramatic performance <<< 芝居
素人劇団: shiroutogekidan: amateur theatre <<< 劇団
素人画家: shiroutogaka: hobby painter <<< 画家
素人下宿: shiroutogeshuku: (amateur) boarding house, pension <<< 下宿
antonyms: 玄人


pronunciation: jishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: resignation
辞職する: jishokusuru: resign, leave office
辞職届: jishokutodoke: letter of resignation <<<
辞職願: shokunegai <<<
辞職願を出す: jishokunegaiodasu: tender one's resignation <<<
辞職を申し出る: jishokuomoushideru
辞職を勧告する: jishokuokankokusuru: advise [urge] (a person) to resign <<< 勧告
辞職を承認する: jishokuoshouninsuru: accept a person's resignation <<< 承認
総辞職: soujishoku: general resignation <<<
synonyms: 辞任


pronunciation: jijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: chamberlain
侍従長: jijuuchou: Grand Chamberlain <<<
侍従武官: jijuubukan: military assistant, aide-de-camp
related words: 側近

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