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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Direct access: 波路 , 日参 , 日程 , 入国 , 葉書 , 日帰り , 一休み , 風景 , 無事 , 変更


pronunciation: namiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: seaway, maritime route, ocean route, sea route
波路遥かに: namijiharukani: far out in the ocean <<<


pronunciation: nissan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: daily visit
日参する: nissansuru: visit daily, pay a daily visit (to)


pronunciation: nittei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , travel
translation: day's program, schedule, agenda
日程を組む: nitteiokumu: schedule (v.) <<<
日程に載せる: nitteininoseru: put on the agenda <<<
日程から除く: nitteikaranozoku: remove from the agenda <<<
日程に入る: nitteinihairu: proceed with the order of the day <<<
日程表: nitteihyou: schedule chart <<<
旅行日程: ryokounittei: itinerary <<< 旅行
議事日程: gijinittei: order of the day <<< 議事


pronunciation: nyuukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , administration
translation: entrance [entry] into a country
入国する: nyuukokusuru: enter [be admitted into] a country
入国者: nyuukokusha: entering person <<<
入国許可: nyuukokukyoka: entry permit <<< 許可
入国を許可する: nyuukokuokyokasuru: admit (a person) into a country
入国禁止: nyuukokukinshi: entry forbidden <<< 禁止
入国を禁止する: nyuukokuokinshisuru: forbid the entry to a country
入国を拒否する: nyuukokuokyohisuru: refuse [deny] (a person) entry into a country <<< 拒否
入国制限: nyuukokuseigen: immigration restrictions <<< 制限
入国査証: nyuukokusashou: visa <<< 査証
入国手続: nyuukokutetsuZuki: entry formalities <<< 手続
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry <<< 審査
入国管理: nyuukokukanri <<< 管理
入国管理局: nyuukokukanrikyoku: Immigration Bureau <<<
入国管理事務所: nyuukokukanrijimusho: Immigration Office
不法入国: huhounyuukoku: illegal entry <<< 不法
related words: 出国


pronunciation: hagaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: post card, postal card
葉書を出す: hagakiodasu: send a post-card <<<
絵葉書: ehagaki: picture post-card <<<
往復葉書: ouhukuhagaki: reply postal card <<< 往復
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 郵便
related words: 手紙


pronunciation: higaeri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: one-day trip
日帰り旅行: higaeriryokou <<< 旅行
日帰り旅行する: higaeriryokousuru: make a one-day trip
日帰りが出来る: higaerigadekiru: you can get there and back in a day <<< 出来


pronunciation: hitoyasumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: a rest
一休みする: hitoyasumisuru: take [have] a rest, take [have] a nap
related words: 休憩 , 休息


pronunciation: huukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , travel
translation: landscape, scenery
風景画: huukeiga: landscape (paint) <<<
風景画家: huukeigaka: landscape painter <<< 画家
風景写真: huukeishashin: landscape picture [photography] <<< 写真
related words: 光景 , 景色


pronunciation: buji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , travel
translation: safety, peace, good health
無事な: bujina: safe, sound, peaceful, uneventful
無事に: bujini: safely, in safety, in peace, quietly, all right, without accident, without a hitch
無事で: bujide
無事で居る: bujideiru: be (doing) well, live a peace <<<
無事を祈る: bujioinoru: pray for safety <<<
無事を祈ります: bujioinorimasu: Have a good trip! Bon voyage!
無事に暮らす: bujinikurasu: get along well <<<
無事に逃れる: bujininogareru: make good one's escape, save one's skin <<<
無事に着く: bujinitsuku: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<<
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru <<< 到着
無事に解決する: bujinikaiketsusuru: come to a satisfactory conclusion <<< 解決
synonyms: 無傷


pronunciation: henkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: change (n.), modification, alteration
変更する: henkousuru: change (v.), modify, alter
変更出来る: henkoudekiru: alterable, changeable <<< 出来
変更出来ない: henkoudekinai: unalterable, unchangeable
住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 住所
名称を変更する: meishouohenkousuru: change the name, give another name <<< 名称

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