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category: to learn in school
keyword: mollusk
Number of strokes: 7
translation: shell, shellfish
貝: kai
貝: takara: treasure <<<
Kanji words: 烏貝 , 貽貝 , 赤貝 , 帆立貝 , 巻貝 , 貝殻
Expressions: 二枚貝 , 貝細工 , 鸚鵡貝 , 真珠貝 , 法螺貝

category: to learn in school
keyword: law
Number of strokes: 9
translation: law, rule, model, in other words (bor.), namely, that is to say
則: nori: law, rule <<<
則る: nottoru: follow, conform to, act on, model after [on]
則ち: sunawachi: in other words, namely, that is to say, videlicet, id est <<<
Kanji words: 原則 , 法則 , 規則 , 反則
Expressions: 基準に則して , 法規に則り , 経験則

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 10
translation: treasure, heirloom, little, few
財: zai: wealth, riches, fortune, property
財を成す: zaionasu: amass [make] a fortune <<<
財: takara: precious article, treasure, heirloom <<<
財か: wazuka: little, few <<<
Kanji words: 財政 , 財布 , 財団 , 財閥 , 財産 , 財務 , 家財 , 財宝
Expressions: 文化財 , 消費財

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 12
translation: store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up [aside]
貯える: takuwaeru: store (up), lay (a thing) in store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up [aside]
Kanji words: 貯蓄 , 貯蔵 , 貯水 , 貯金
Expressions: 金を貯める

category: common usage
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 11
translation: sell, deal, trade
販う: akinau
Kanji words: 市販 , 通販 , 販売

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 13
translation: thief, robber, burglar, rebel, traitor, harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil
賊: zoku: thief, robber, burglar, rebel, traitor
賊う: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil <<< ,
賊む: nusumu: steal (a thing from a person), pilfer (a thing from a shop), rob (a person of a thing), pirate, plagiarize <<<
Kanji words: 山賊 , 海賊 , 烏賊 , 盗賊

category: common usage
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bribe, corrupt, treasure
wai, kai
賄う: mainau: bribe (v.), corrupt
賄う: makanau: board (v., jp.), furnish [provide, supply] (a person) with food, manage
賄い: makanai: board (n., jp.), meals, cook
賄い付きで: makanaitsukide: with meals [board] <<<
賄: takara: treasure, heirloom <<<
Kanji words: 贈賄 , 賄賂

category: common usage
keyword: law
Number of strokes: 15
translation: compensate, atone, indemnify
賠う: tsugunau: compensate, atone for, make up for, make reparation for, cover the loss, indemnify
Kanji words: 賠償

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: grant, award, honor, confer
賜る: tamawaru: grant, award, honor (a person) with (a title), confer (a thing) on (a person), be awarded [honored] (with a title)
賜: tamamono: gift, present <<< 賜物
Kanji words: 賜物

category: common usage
keyword: history
Number of strokes: 15
translation: tribute, forced labor
賦: mitsugi: tribute
賦: buyaku: forced labor

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