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category: to learn in school
keyword: material
Number of strokes: 9
translation: leather, reform (bor.)
革: kawa: leather
革める: aratameru: reform, amend <<<
Kanji words: 改革 , 革命 , 革靴 , 沿革 , 革新
Expressions: 革表紙 , 革製品 , 革ベルト , 革ジャンパー , モロッコ革 , モロッコ革のハンドバッグ , 革ズボン , エナメル革

category: common usage
keyword: footwear
Number of strokes: 13
translation: shoes, boots
靴: kutsu
靴が鳴る: kutsuganaru: The shoes creak <<<
靴を磨く: kutsuomigaku: clean [polish] shoes <<< , 靴磨き
靴を履く: kutsuohaku: put on shoes <<<
靴を脱ぐ: kutsuonugu: take off shoes <<<
靴の甲: kutsunokou: shoe instep <<<
靴の先: kutsunosaki: toecap <<<
靴の踵: kutsunokakato: heel <<<
靴の底: kutsunosoko: sole <<<
Kanji words: 靴墨 , 靴下 , 靴紐 , 長靴 , 革靴 , 靴屋 , 靴箆 , 靴磨き , 古靴
Expressions: 赤い靴 , 踵の高い靴 , 室内靴 , 兵隊靴 , 襤褸靴 , 運動靴 , 登山靴 , 乗馬靴 , ズックの靴 , ローラースケート靴 , 靴クリーム , スキー靴 , スケート靴 , エナメル靴 , 靴ブラシ , 靴のサイズ , スパイク靴
synonyms: シューズ

category: JIS1
keyword: accessory
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tanned hide, leather
hou, haku
鞄: nameshigawa: tanned hide, leather
鞄: kaban: bag (jp.), suitcase, pouch
鞄を提げる: kabannosageru: carry a bag <<<
Expressions: 旅行鞄 , 書類鞄
synonyms: バッグ
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap
sou, shou
鞘: saya: sheathe, scabbard, case, cap, commission (jp.)
鞘に収める: sayaniosameru: return [put back] (one's sword) into the scabbard, sheathe [put up] (one's sword) <<<
鞘を払う: sayaoharau: draw [unsheathe] one's sword <<<
鞘を取る: sayaotoru: take a commission <<<
Expressions: 刀の鞘

category: JIS1
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 17
translation: ball
kiku, kyou
鞠: mari
鞠を突く: mariotsuku: bounce a ball <<<
Kanji words: 手鞠
Expressions: ゴム鞠
synonyms: , ボール

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 18
translation: whip, lash
鞭: muchi: lash (n.), whip
鞭つ: muchiutsu: lash (v.), whip, flog, give a caning [hiding]
鞭で打つ: muchideutsu <<<
鞭を鳴らす: muchionarasu: crack [swish] a whip <<<
鞭を振る: muchiohuru <<<
Expressions: 飴と鞭 , 乗馬鞭
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: accessory
Number of strokes: 18
translation: tan, taw
鞣: nameshigawa: tanned hide, leather
鞣す: namesu: tan, taw
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 19
translation: bellows
huku, bi
鞴: huigo
鞴を踏む: huigoohumu: work the bellows <<<

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