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Direct access: 色男 , 男前 , 髪型 , 髪結 , 華麗 , 可憐 , 可愛い , 器量 , 綺麗 , 金髪


pronunciation: irootoko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: lover, handsome man, beau
synonyms: 美男 , ハンサム


pronunciation: otokomae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: handsome, good-looking
related words: 美男 , ハンサム


pronunciation: kamigata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: hairstyle
髪型を変える: kamigataokaeru: change one's hairstyle <<<


pronunciation: kamiyui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: ladies' hairdresser [hairdressing], coiffeur
髪結床: kamiyuidoko: hair salon, beauty [barber] salon <<<
related words: 美容


pronunciation: karei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: splendor, magnificence, gorgeousness
華麗な: kareina: splendid, magnificent, gorgeous
華麗に: kareini: splendidly, magnificently
related words: 豪華


pronunciation: karen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: prettiness, lovableness, charmingness
可憐な: karennna: pretty, lovely, sweet, cute, pitiful, poor
可憐な花: karennnahana: nice flower <<<
可憐な少女: karennnashoujo: pretty girl <<< 少女
related words: 可愛い


pronunciation: kawaii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: lovely, charming, attractive, pretty, dear, darling, cute
可愛がる: kawaigaru: love (v.), pet, treat a person with love [affection]
可愛い子: kawaiiko: dear [lovely] child <<<
可愛い子には旅をさせろ: kawaiikonihatabiosasero: Spare the rod and spoil the child <<<
synonyms: 可憐 , キュート


pronunciation: kiryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: personal appearance, looks, ability, capacity, talent, credit, credibility
器量の良い: kiryounoii, kiryounoyoi: pretty, good looking, comely <<<
器量の良くない: kiryounoyokunai: plain, plain-looking, homely
器量の有る: kiryounoaru: able <<<
器量を上げる: kiryouoageru: gain credit [credibility] <<<
器量を下げる: kiryouosageru: lose credit [credibility] <<<
synonyms: 才能 , 魅力


pronunciation: kirei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 奇麗
keyword: beauty , hygiene
translation: beauty, splendor, cleanness
綺麗な: kireina: beautiful, lovely, fine, pretty, splendid, handsome, fair, clean, pure, clear, neat, tidy
綺麗な水: kireinamizu: clear water <<<
綺麗な空気: kirainakuuki: fresh air <<< 空気
綺麗に: kireini: beautifully, finely, splendidly, cleanly, neatly, tidily, completely, entirely, wholly, thoroughly
綺麗にする: kireinisuru: deck out, decorate, dress up, make clean, cleanse, make neat, tidy up, put in order
綺麗に忘れる: kireiniwasureru: have clean forgotten <<<
綺麗に負ける: kireinimakeru: be fairly beaten <<<
綺麗好き: kireizuki: tidy (person), cleanly <<<
綺麗事: kireigoto: without complication, whitewash, hypocrisy <<<
綺麗事に済ます: kireigotonisumasu: avoid complications, whitewash (an error) <<<
小綺麗: kogirei: pretty, neat, trim, tidy, spruce <<<
related words: , 清潔


pronunciation: kinpatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: golden [fair] hair, blond (n.)
金髪の: kinpatsuno: golden-haired, blond (a.), blonde
金髪の女: kinpatsunoonnna: blonde (woman), goldilocks <<<
synonyms: ブロンド

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