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Direct access: 亜麻 , 編物 , 織物 , 感触 , 生地 , 毛皮 , 繊維 , 縮緬 , 錦織 , 布地


pronunciation: ama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: flax
亜麻の: amano: flaxen
亜麻糸: amaito: flax yarn <<<
亜麻布: amanuno: linen <<<
related words: リンネル


pronunciation: amimono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 編み物
keyword: fabric
translation: knitting, knitwork, crochet
編物をする: amimonoosuru: knit (v.), do knitting
編物機: amimonoki: knitting machine <<<
編物機械: amimonokikai <<< 機械


pronunciation: orimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: textile goods, textiles, cloth, fabric
織物の: orimonono: textile (a.)
織物商: orimonoshou: draper <<<
織物類: orimonorui: woven goods, fabrics, drapery <<<
織物工業: orimonokougyou: textile industry <<< 工業
織物産業: orimonosangyou <<< 産業
織物市場: orimonoshijou: cloth market <<< 市場
織物工場: orimonokoujou: textile factory <<< 工場
木綿織物: momenorimono: cotton fabrics <<< 木綿


pronunciation: kanshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: (sense of) touch, feeling
感触が良い: kanshokugaii, kanshokugayoi: be soft [agreeable] to the touch <<<
感触が悪い: kanshokugawarui: be rough [disagreeable] to the touch <<<
synonyms: タッチ , 印象


pronunciation: kiji
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 木地
keyword: material , fabric
translation: cloth, texture, material, paste, dough
生地のまま: kijinomama: plain, undisguised
生地屋: kijiya: clothier <<<
無地の生地: mujinokiji: plain fabric <<< 無地


pronunciation: kegawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: fur
毛皮商: kegawashou: furrier, skinner <<<
毛皮外套: kegawagaitou: fur coat <<< 外套
毛皮コート: kegawakooto <<< コート
兎の毛皮: usaginokegawa: rabbit fur <<<
銀狐の毛皮: gingitsunenokegawa: silver fox fur <<< 銀狐


pronunciation: senni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , fabric
translation: textile, fiber
繊維の無い: senninonai: fibreless <<<
繊維の多い: senninoooi: rich in fiber <<<
繊維質の: sennishitsuno: fibrous <<<
繊維状の: sennijouno: fibriform <<<
繊維素: senniso: cellulose, fibrin <<<
繊維組織: sennisoshiki: fibrous tissue <<< 組織
繊維工業: sennikougyou: textile industry <<< 工業
繊維植物: sennishokubutsu: fiber plant <<< 植物
繊維製品: senniseihin: textile goods <<< 製品
原繊維: gensenni: fibril <<<
合成繊維: gouseisenni: synthetic fiber <<< 合成
炭素繊維: tansosenni: carbon [graphite] fiber <<< 炭素
化学繊維: kagakusenni: synthetic fiber <<< 化学
ガラス繊維: garasusenni: glass fiber <<< ガラス


pronunciation: chirimen
kanji characters:
keyword: fabric
translation: crepe, crape
縮緬紙: chirimenshi: crepe paper <<<
縮緬皺: chirimenjiwa: fine wrinkles <<<
related words: クレープ


pronunciation: nishikiori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: brocade fabric
錦織にする: nishikiorinisuru: brocade


pronunciation: nunoji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fabric
translation: cloth, fabric
無地の布地: mujinonunoji: plain fabric <<< 無地
related words: 生地

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