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Direct access: 足場 , 石畳 , 石段 , 石綿 , 埋立 , 屋上 , 改修 , 改装 , 改造 , 階段


pronunciation: ashiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: scaffold, scaffolding
足場を掛ける: ashibaokakeru: set up scaffolding <<<
足場を組む: ashibaokumu: erect [put up] scaffolding <<<


pronunciation: ishidatami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: stone flooring [pavement]


pronunciation: ishidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: stone steps
related words: 階段


pronunciation: ishiwata, sekimen
kanji characters: , 綿
keyword: construction , material
translation: asbestos
related words: アスベスト


pronunciation: umetate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 埋め立
keyword: construction
translation: reclamation
埋立てる: umetateru: reclaim (land), fill in, drain
埋立地: umetatechi: reclaimed ground <<<
埋立工事: umetatekouji: drainage <<< 工事


pronunciation: okujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof, rooftop
屋上で: okujoude: on the roof
屋上庭園: okujouteien: roof garden <<< 庭園
屋上屋を重ねる: okujouokuokasaneru: paint the lily
屋上屋を架す: okujouokuokasu
related words: 屋根


pronunciation: kaishuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: improvement, repair (n.)
改修する: kaishuusuru: improve, repair (a building)
改修工事: kaishuukouji: repair work <<< 工事
河川改修: kasenkaishuu: river improvement <<< 河川
related words: 修理 , 改装


pronunciation: kaisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: remodeling, conversion, redecoration, refit (n.), renovation
改装する: kaisousuru: remodel, re-equip, re-decorate, convert into, refit (v.), renovate
related words: 改造


pronunciation: kaizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: remodeling, conversion, adaptation, reconstruction, reorganization, rebuilding
改造する: kaizousuru: remodel, convert, adapt
改造中: kaizouchuu: under reconstruction <<<
内閣改造: naikakukaizou: reconstruction (reshuffle) of the cabinet <<< 内閣
related words: 改装 , 改修


pronunciation: kaidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: stairs, staircase, stairway
階段を上る: kaidannonoboru: go up the stairs <<<
階段を昇る: kaidannonoboru <<<
階段を下る: kaidannooriru: go down the stairs <<<
階段を降る: kaidannooriru <<<
階段状: kaidanjou: stepwise <<<
階段教室: kaidankyoushitsu: lecture theater <<< 教室
階段座席: kaidanzaseki: series of seats [steps], terrace <<< 座席
急な階段: kyuunakaidan: abrupt [steep] steps [stairs] <<<
緩い階段: yuruikaidan: gentle steps [stairs] <<<
裏階段: urakaidan: backstairs <<<
螺旋階段: rasenkaidan: spiral stairs <<< 螺旋
非常階段: hijoukaidan: fire escape <<< 非常
related words: 段階 , 段々

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