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Direct access: 胴着 , 洞窟 , 道具 , 道化 , 憧憬 , 同行 , 同好 , 動向 , 瞳孔 , 動作


pronunciation: dougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: undergarment, vest
synonyms: チョッキ


pronunciation: doukutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geology
translation: cave, cavern
洞窟壁画: doukutsuhekiga: wall painting in a cave <<< 壁画
synonyms: 洞穴


pronunciation: dougu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: tool, instrument, implement, apparatus, utensil
道具入れ: douguire: gadget storage, case <<<
道具箱: dougubako: toolbox <<<
道具方: dougukata: sceneshifter <<<
道具屋: douguya: dealer in secondhand articles, curio dealer <<<
大道具: oodougu: set scenes <<<
古道具: hurudougu: used articles <<<
釣道具: tsuridougu: fishing gear <<<
茶道具: chadougu: tea things <<<
飛び道具: tobidougu: firearm (anc.) <<<
大工道具: daikudougu: carpenter's tools <<< 大工
台所道具: daidokorodougu: kitchen utensils <<< 台所
掃除道具: soujidougu: dusting [scrubbing] things <<< 掃除
炊事道具: suijidougu: cooking utensils <<< 炊事
家財道具: kazaidougu: furnishings <<< 家財
料理道具: ryouridougu: cooking utensils <<< 料理
裁縫道具: saihoudougu: sewing set <<< 裁縫
所帯道具: shotaidougu: household goods [necessaries] <<< 所帯
勝手道具: kattedougu: kitchen appliance <<< 勝手
化粧道具: keshoudougu: toilet set <<< 化粧
商売道具: shoubaidougu: requisites for a trade, stock in trade, one's kit <<< 商売


pronunciation: douke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: buffoonery, drollery
道化染みた: doukejimita: ludicrous, farcical <<<
道化者: doukemono: jester, joker <<<
道化師: doukeshi: clown, buffoon, fool, pierrot <<<
道化役者: doukeyakusha <<< 役者
道化芝居: doukeshibai: farce <<< 芝居
related words: ピエロ


pronunciation: doukei, shoukei
kanji characters: ,
translation: admiration, adoration, aspiration, longing, yearning
憧憬の的: doukeinomato, shoukeinomato: object of adoration <<<


pronunciation: doukou
kanji characters: ,
translation: company (n.)
同行する: doukousuru: company (v.), accompany, go with
同行者: doukousha: companion <<<


pronunciation: doukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: similar tastes
同好の士: doukounoshi: friend of similar tastes <<<
同好会: doukoukai: circle of lovers, club <<< , クラブ


pronunciation: doukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: trend, tendency, movement
synonyms: 傾向


pronunciation: doukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: pupil
瞳孔拡大: doukoukakudai: dilatation of the pupil <<< 拡大
瞳孔縮小: doukoushukushou: contraction of the pupil <<< 縮小


pronunciation: dousa
kanji characters: ,
translation: movement, action, behavior, gesture
連携動作: renkeidousa: teamwork <<< 連携
軽快な動作: keikainadousa: swift movement <<< 軽快

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