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Direct access: 洞察 , 動詞 , 同士 , 同時 , 同日 , 道場 , 同情 , 同棲 , 同姓 , 同性


pronunciation: dousatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: insight, penetration, discernment
洞察する: dousatsusuru: discern, penetrate (into), see through, fathom
洞察力: dousatsuryoku: perspicacity <<<


pronunciation: doushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: verb
動詞変化: doushihenka: conjugation <<< 変化
他動詞: tadoushi: transitive verb <<<
自動詞: jidoushi: intransitive verb <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 規則
作為動詞: sakuidoushi: factitive [causative] verb <<< 作為


pronunciation: doushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 同志
keyword: family
translation: comrades, confederates, like-minded people
同士討ち: doushiuchi: fight [quarrel] among friends, internal strife <<<
男同士: otokodoushi: man to man <<<
女同士: onnnadoushi: woman to woman <<<
好き同士: sukidoushi: love couple, pair of lovers <<<
恋人同士: koibitodoushi: couple of lovers <<< 恋人
仲間同士: nakamadoushi: among friends <<< 仲間
related words: 仲間


pronunciation: douji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time , media
translation: simultaneity, synchronism
同時の: doujino: simultaneous, synchronous
同時に: doujini: at the same time, at once, simultaneously
同時通訳: doujitsuuyaku: simultaneous interpretation <<< 通訳
同時発生: doujihassei: simultaneity, simultaneousness, synchronism <<< 発生
同時録音: doujirokuon: synchronous recording <<< 録音
同時放送: doujihousou: simulcast, live program <<< 放送
synonyms: 一斉


pronunciation: doujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the same day
同日に: doujitsuni: on the same [very] day


pronunciation: doujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: exercise hall, ashram
道場破り: doujouyaburi: dojo crasher [intruder] <<<
空手道場: karatedoujou: karate hall [school] <<< 空手


pronunciation: doujou
kanji characters: ,
translation: sympathy, pity (n.), compassion
同情する: doujousuru: sympathize, feel sympathy, pity (v.)
同情して: doujoushite: sympathetically, out of sympathy (with, for), solicitously, commiseratively
同情すべき: doujousubeki: pitiable, pitiful
同情の無い: doujounonai: unsympathetic, unfeeling, coldhearted, pitiless <<<
同情の印として: doujounoshirushitoshite: as a mark of sympathy <<<
同情を表す: doujouoarawasu: express [show] one's sympathy <<<
同情を訴える: doujououttaeru: appeal to a person's sympathy <<<
同情的: doujouteki: sympathetic, pitiful <<<
同情者: doujousha: sympathizer <<<
同情スト: doujousuto: sympathy [sympathetic] strike <<< スト
related words: 思い遣


pronunciation: dousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love , biology
translation: cohabitation
同棲する: douseisuru: cohabit, live together
同棲者: douseisha: cohabitant <<<


pronunciation: dousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: name
translation: the same surname
同姓の: douseino: of the same surname
同姓同名: douseidoumei: the same family and personal name
related words: 同性


pronunciation: dousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: the same sex
同性愛: douseiai: homosexuality <<< , ホモ , レズビアン , ゲイ
同性愛の: douseiaino: homosexual, lesbian, gay
antonyms: 異性

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