Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27
Direct access: 導入 , 同人 , 同輩 , 同伴 , 道標 , 動物 , 同胞 , 動脈 , 同盟 , 同様


pronunciation: dounyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , music
translation: introduction, innovation
導入する: dounyuusuru: introduce, innovate
導入部: dounyuubu: introduction <<<
外資導入: gaishidounyuu: introduction of foreign capital <<< 外資


pronunciation: dounin, doujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: member, coterie, the same [said] person, person in question
同人雑誌: douninzasshi, doujinzasshi: literary coterie magazine <<< 雑誌
同人誌: doujinshi <<<
related words: クラブ , サークル


pronunciation: douhai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: equal, colleague, comrade, fellow
related words: 相棒 , 仲間 , 同僚


pronunciation: douhan
kanji characters: ,
translation: accompaniment
同伴する: douhansuru: go (in company) with (a person), go together, accompany (a person)
同伴者: douhansha: companion <<<


pronunciation: douhyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: guidepost, signpost, milestone


pronunciation: doubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , biology
translation: animal (n.), beast, creature
動物園: doubutsuen: zoo, zoological garden <<<
動物界: doubutsukai: animal kingdom, fauna <<<
動物学: doubutsugaku: zoology <<<
動物学者: doubutsugakusha: zoologist <<< 学者
動物性: doubutsusei: animality, animalism <<<
動物性油: doubutsuseiyu: animal oil <<<
動物性脂肪: doubutsuseishibou: animal fat <<< 脂肪
動物性蛋白: doubutsuseitanpaku: animal protein <<< 蛋白
動物性の: doubutsuseino: animal (a.), brute <<<
動物病院: doubutsubyouin: veterinary clinic <<< 病院
小動物: shoudoubutsu: small animal <<<
冬眠動物: toumindoubutsu: hibernating animal <<< 冬眠
円形動物: enkeidoubutsu: nematodes, roundworms <<< 円形
寄生動物: kiseidoubutsu: parasitic animal <<< 寄生
草食動物: soushokudoubutsu: herbivorous animal <<< 草食
高等動物: koutoudoubutsu: higher animal <<< 高等
両生動物: ryouseidoubutsu: amphibian (n.) <<< 両生
哺乳動物: honyuudoubutsu: mammal, mammalian <<< 哺乳
海綿動物: kaimendoubutsu: porifera <<< 海綿
胎生動物: taiseidoubutsu: viviparous animal <<< 胎生
夜行動物: yakoudoubutsu: nocturnal animal <<< 夜行
原生動物: genseidoubutsu: protozoan <<< 原生
肉食動物: nikushokudoubutsu: carnivorous animal, meat eater <<< 肉食
野生動物: yaseidoubutsu: wild animal <<< 野生
食虫動物: shokuchuudoubutsu: insectivorous animal <<< 食虫
実験動物: jikkendoubutsu: animal for experiments, experimental animal <<< 実験
寒帯動物: kantaidoubutsu: polar animal <<< 寒帯
synonyms: , 畜生
antonyms: 植物


pronunciation: douhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: fellow country man, compatriot
同胞愛: douhouai: brotherly love, fraternity <<< , 友愛


pronunciation: doumyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs , transport
translation: artery
動脈の: doumyakuno: arterial
動脈瘤: doumyakuryuu: aneurysm <<<
動脈炎: doumyakuen: arterial inflammation <<<
動脈血: doumyakuketsu: arterial blood <<<
動脈硬化: doumyakukouka: arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries <<< 硬化
動脈硬化症: doumyakukoukashou <<<
動脈切開: doumyakusekkai: arteriotomy
大動脈: daidoumyaku: main artery <<<
大動脈炎: daidoumyakuen: aortitis <<<
頚動脈: keidoumyaku: carotid
related words: 静脈


pronunciation: doumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , war
translation: alliance, league
同盟する: doumeisuru: form [go into] an alliance [union], be allied [leagued]
同盟して: doumeishite: in alliance with
同盟国: doumeikoku: allied country [power] <<<
同盟軍: doumeigun: allied army <<< , 友軍
同盟条約: doumeijouyaku: treaty of alliance <<< 条約
同盟罷業: doumeihigyou: strike
同盟休校: doumeikyuukou: school strike
軍事同盟: gunjidoumei: military alliance <<< 軍事
防御同盟: bougyodoumei: defensive alliance <<< 防御
防衛同盟: boueidoumei: defense pact <<< 防衛
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 関税
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 三国


pronunciation: douyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: similarity, the same kind, the same manner
同様の: douyouno: the same, identical, similar, equal, of the same kind
同様に: douyouni: similarly, equally, in the same manner
以下同様: ikadouyou: and so forth <<< 以下
新品同様: shinpindouyou: like new <<< 新品
related words: 同一

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