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Direct access: 毒性 , 独占 , 独創 , 独特 , 毒物 , 独房 , 毒薬 , 独立 , 土建 , 何処


pronunciation: dokusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , chemistry
translation: virulence, toxicity
毒性の: dokuseino: poisonous, virulent, toxic


pronunciation: dokusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , law
translation: exclusivity, monopoly
独占する: dokusensuru: monopolize
独占的: dokusenteki: exclusive, monopolistic <<<
独占者: dokusensha: monopolist <<<
独占権: dokusenken: exclusive right <<<
独占欲: dokusennyoku: desire for exclusive possession <<<
独占化: dokusenka: monopolization <<<
独占事業: dokusenjigyou: monopolistic enterprise <<< 事業
独占資本: dokusenshihon: monopolistic capital <<< 資本
独占禁止: dokusenkinshi: antimonopoly <<< 禁止
独占禁止法: dokusenkinshihou: antimonopoly (antitrust) law <<<


pronunciation: dokusou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: originality
独創的: dokusouteki: original, creative <<<
独創性: dokusousei: originality <<<
独創力: dokusouryoku: originality, creative power <<<
synonyms: 独自


pronunciation: dokutoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: peculiarity, uniqueness
独特の: dokutokuno: peculiar (to), characteristic (of), special, unique, inimitable
独特に: dokutokuni: peculiarly, uniquely
一種独特の: isshudokutokuno: of a peculiar sort, unique <<< 一種
related words: 特殊


pronunciation: dokubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: poison, toxin
毒物学: dokubutsugaku: toxicology <<<


pronunciation: dokubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: solitary cell
独房監禁: dokuboukankin: solitary confinement <<< 監禁


pronunciation: dokuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: poison (n.)
毒薬を仰ぐ: dokuyakuoaogu: take poison <<<
毒薬を飲む: dokuyakuonomu <<<
毒薬を飲ませる: dokuyakuonomaseru: poison (a person)
毒薬学: dokuyakugaku: toxicology <<<
related words: 劇薬


pronunciation: dokuritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: independence, autonomy
独立の: dokuritsuno: independent, self-supporting
独立する: dokuritsusuru: become independent
独立した: dokuritsushita: independent, autonomous
独立国: dokuritsukoku: independent country <<<
独立心: dokuritsushin: spirit of independence <<<
独立権: dokuritsuken: autonomy, self determination <<<
独立祭: dokuritsusai: the Independence Day <<<
独立記念日: dokuritsukinenbi
独立戦争: dokuritsusensou: war of independence, the Revolutionary War <<< 戦争
独立家屋: dokuritsukaoku: detached house <<< 家屋
独立法人: dokuritsuhoujin: independent administrative institution <<< 法人
独立行政法人: dokuritsugyouseihoujin


pronunciation: doken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: engineering work, public works
土建屋: dokennya: construction contractor <<<
土建業者: dokengyousha <<< 業者
土建業: dokengyou: construction industry <<<
related words: 土木


pronunciation: doko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: where, which place
何処へ: dokoe: to where
何処に: dokoni: where, to where
何処に居ますか: dokoniimasuka: Where are you? <<<
何処から: dokokara: from where
何処からか: dokokaraka: from somewhere
何処から来ましたか: dokokarakimashitaka: Where are you from? <<<
何処から見ても: dokokaramitemo: in all respects, in every respect <<<
何処でも: dokodemo: in any place, wherever, everywhere
何処にも: dokonimo
何処まで: dokomade: how far, where
何処までも: dokomademo: wherever, everywhere
何処と無く: dokotonaku: anyhow, somehow <<<
何処ですか: dokodesuka: Where is it?
駅は何処ですか: ekihadokodesuka: Where is the station? <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjohadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 便所
トイレットは何処ですか: toirettohadokodesuka: Where is the restroom [washroom, toilet]? <<< トイレット
related words: 場所

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