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Direct access: 怒号 , 土砂 , 土星 , 怒声 , 土足 , 土台 , 土遁 , 何方 , 土瓶 , 土木


pronunciation: dogou
kanji characters: ,
translation: roar (n.), roaring, vociferation
怒号する: dogousuru: roar in anger, vociferate


pronunciation: dosha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: earth and sand
土砂降り: doshaburi: heavy [torrential] rain, downpour, cloudburst <<<
土砂崩れ: doshakuzure: washout, landslide <<<
土砂崩壊: doshahoukai <<< 崩壊


pronunciation: dosei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy
translation: Saturn
土星の輪: doseinowa: Saturn's rings <<<


pronunciation: dosei
kanji characters: ,
translation: angry voice


pronunciation: dosoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: outdoor shoes
土足で: dosokude: with one's shoes on
土足厳禁: dosokugenkin: No street shoes allowed on the floor


pronunciation: dodai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: foundation, base, groundwork
土台を据える: dodaiosueru: lay the foundation of <<<
土台石: dodaiishi: foundation stone <<<


pronunciation: doton
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: ninja technique to hide [escape] by [through] soil
土遁の術: dotonnnojutsu <<<
related words: 火遁 , 水遁 , 忍者


pronunciation: donata, dochira
kanji characters: ,
translation: who, anyone, somebody, which, where, whom
何方ですか: donatadesuka: May I have your name, please? What name shall I say? Who's speaking please?
何方様でしょうか: donatasamadeshouka <<<
何方様ですか: dochiradesamadesuka: Who [Whom] shall I say? What name please?
何方も: dochiramo: both, either
何方でも: dochirademo: any, whichever, both, either
何方でも良い: dochirademoyoi: Either will do <<<
何方から: dochirakara: whence, from where
何方へ: donatae: whereto, where to
related words: 何者 ,


pronunciation: dobin
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ドビン
keyword: utensil
translation: earthen teapot
土瓶敷: dobinshiki: teapot stand <<<


pronunciation: doboku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: engineering work, public works
土木課: dobokuka: public works section <<<
土木局: dobokukyoku: public works bureau <<<
土木技師: dobokugishi: civil engineer <<< 技師
土木監督: dobokukantoku: foreman, chief worker, master workman, work master <<< 監督
土木建築: dobokukenchiku: civil engineering and construction <<< 建築
土木建築業: dobokukenchikugyou: civil engineering and construction industry <<<
土木工学: dobokukougaku: civil engineering <<< 工学
土木事業: dobokujigyou: public engineering works <<< 事業
土木工事: dobokukouji: public works <<< 工事
related words: 土建

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