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Direct access: 土曜 , 銅鑼 , 度量 , 努力 , 奴隷 , 泥沼 , 泥棒 , 鈍感 , 団栗 , 貪欲


pronunciation: doyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: Saturday
土曜日: doyoubi <<<
先週の土曜: senshuunodoyou: last Saturday, on Saturday last <<< 先週


pronunciation: dora
kanji characters:
other spells: ドラ
keyword: musical instrument
translation: gong (n.)
銅鑼を鳴らす: doraonarasu: gong (v.) <<<
銅鑼声: doragoe: hoarse [gruff] voice <<<
銅鑼焼き: dorayaki: dorayaki (a Japanese pancake of gong form) <<<


pronunciation: doryou
kanji characters: ,
translation: generosity, magnanimity
度量の広い: doryounohiroi: broad-minded, generous, magnanimous <<<
度量の大きい: doryounoookii <<<
度量の狭い: doryounosemai: narrow-minded, mean <<<
度量衡: doryoukou: weights and measures <<<
度量衡学: doryoukougaku: metrology <<<


pronunciation: doryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: effort, endeavor, labor
努力する: doryokusuru: strive, try
努力して: doryokushite: by exertion, with a effort
努力を惜しむ: doryokuooshimu: be sparing of one's pains [labor] <<<
努力家: doryokuka: hard worker, industrious man <<<
必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 必死
related words: 苦心 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: dorei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: slave
奴隷にする: doreinisuru: enslave
奴隷の様な: doreinoyouna: slavish, servile <<<
奴隷船: doreisen: slave ship <<<
奴隷根性: doreikonjou: servile spirit <<< 根性
奴隷売買: doreibaibai: slave trade <<< 売買
奴隷制度: doreiseido: slavery <<< 制度
奴隷商人: doreishounin: slave trader <<< 商人
奴隷開放: doreikaihou: liberation of slaves <<< 開放
奴隷禁止: doreikinshi: antislavery <<< 禁止
奴隷廃止: doreihaishi: abolitionism <<< 廃止
情欲の奴隷: jouyokunodorei: slave of passion <<< 情欲


pronunciation: doronuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: bog
泥沼に填る: doronumanihamaru: be bogged down, get stuck in a fix <<<
泥沼戦争: doronumasensou: quagmire of a war <<< 戦争


pronunciation: dorobou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: thief, robber, burglar, theft, robbery
泥棒する: dorobousuru: steal, rob
泥棒に遭う: dorobouniau: be robbed <<<
泥棒根性: doroboukonjou: thievish nature <<< 根性
泥棒成金: dorobounarikin: To Catch a Thief (an American film by Alfred Hitchcock, 1955) <<< 成金
月給泥棒: gekkyuudorobou: those who are not worth their salaries <<< 月給
墓場泥棒: hakabadorobou: grave robber, tomb raider [robber] <<< 墓場


pronunciation: donkan
kanji characters: ,
translation: insensibility, dullness, stolidity
鈍感な: donkannna: insensible, dull, stolid, thick-skinned, dumb


pronunciation: donguri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fruit
translation: acorn
団栗眼: dongurimanako: big round eyes, goggle eyes <<<
団栗眼の: dongurimanakono: goggle-eyed
団栗の背比べ: dongurinosekurabe: They are nearly all alike, There is little to choose between them.


pronunciation: donnyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: avarice, greed
貪欲な: donnyokuna: avaricious, greedy, insatiable
貪欲に: donnyokuni: avariciously greedily, insatiably
貪欲漢: donnyokukan: miser, cheapskate, scrooge, skinflint, niggard <<<
related words: 欲張

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