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Direct access: 台無し , 代表 , 大福 , 大仏 , 大便 , 代弁 , 大名 , 題名 , 代用 , 代理


pronunciation: dainashi
kanji characters: ,
translation: waste, misuse
台無しにする: dainashinisuru: spoil, ruin, mar
台無しに成る: dainashininaru: be spoilt [ruined], come to nothing <<<


pronunciation: daihyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: delegation, representation
代表する: daihyousuru: delegate (v.), represent
代表的: daihyouteki: representative, typical <<<
代表者: daihyousha: deputy, delegate (n.) <<<
代表団: daihyoudan: delegation <<<
代表権: daihyouken: power of representation <<<
代表作: daihyousaku: masterpiece <<<
代表電話: daihyoudenwa: key (telephone) number, pilot number <<< 電話
代表番号: daihyoubangou <<< 番号
代表社員: daihyoushain: representative [senior] partner <<< 社員
代表代理: daihyoudairi: alternate delegate <<< 代理
代表取締役: daihyoutorishimariyaku: managing [representative] director <<< 社長
比例代表: hireidaihyou: proportional representation <<< 比例
国連代表: kokurendaihyou: representative to the United Nations <<< 国連
職場代表: shokubadaihyou: workshop steward <<< 職場


pronunciation: daihuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: confectionery
translation: great happiness
大福餅: daihukumochi: rice cake stuffed with bean jam <<<
大福帳: daihukuchou: old fashioned [single entry system] account book <<<


pronunciation: daibutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: great statue of Buddha
大仏殿: daibutsuden: palace of a great statue of Buddha <<< 殿
奈良大仏: naradaibutsu: Great Buddha of Nara <<< 奈良
鎌倉大仏: kamakuradaibutsu: Great Buddha of Kamakura <<< 鎌倉
related words: 仏像


pronunciation: daiben
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: hygiene
translation: excrement, stool, feces
大便する: daibensuru: relieve oneself, go to stool
related words: , 小便


pronunciation: daiben
kanji characters: ,
translation: agency, representation
代弁する: daibensuru: represent (a person), act for [in behalf of] (a person), act as spokesman (of), speak for (a person)
代弁者: daibensha: agent, spokesman, spokesperson, mouthpiece <<<
related words: 代理


pronunciation: daimyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: (Japanese) feudal lord
大名行列: daimyougyouretsu: procession of feudal lord <<< 行列
大名旅行: daimyouryokou: junket, travel like a prince <<< 旅行
守護大名: shugodaimyou: warlord stemmed from a regional governor <<< 守護
related words: 領主 ,


pronunciation: daimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: title (of a book)
related words: タイトル


pronunciation: daiyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: substitution
代用する: daiyousuru: substitute
代用品: daiyouhin: substitute article (for) <<<


pronunciation: dairi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , law
translation: proxy, substitution, supply
代理する: dairisuru: represent, act for, substitute (v.), surrogate
代理の: dairino: deputy, supply, substitute (a.), surrogate
代理の先生: dairinosensei: substitute [supply] teacher <<< 先生
代理で: dairide: by proxy
代理店: dairiten: agency, outlet, dealer <<< , ディーラー
代理人: dairinin: agent, deputy, substitute (n.), alternate, surrogate <<<
代理権: dairiken: power of procuration <<<
代理投票: dairitouhyou: proxy vote <<< 投票
代理大使: dairitaishi: chargé d'affaires, ad interim <<< 大使
代理判事: dairihanji: deputy judge
代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 出産
代表代理: daihyoudairi: alternate delegate <<< 代表

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