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Direct access: 大理石 , 唾液 , 楕円 , 打開 , 妥協 , 濁流 , 打撃 , 出汁 , 山車 , 打者


pronunciation: dairiseki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: material , art
translation: marble
大理石の彫像: dairisekinochouzou: marble statue <<< 彫像


pronunciation: daeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: saliva
唾液の: daekino: salivary
唾液腺: daekisen: salivary glands <<<
唾液分泌: daekibunpi: salivation <<< 分泌


pronunciation: daen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: ellipse, oval (n.)
楕円形: daenkei <<<
楕円形の: daenkeino: elliptical, oval (a.)
楕円体: daentai: ellipsoid <<<
楕円体の: daentaino: ellipsoidal
楕円率: daenritsu: ellipticity <<<
楕円軌道: daenkidou: elliptical orbit <<< 軌道
楕円関数: daenkansuu: elliptical function <<< 関数


pronunciation: dakai
kanji characters: ,
translation: breaking (a deadlock), overcoming
打開する: dakaisuru: break (a deadlock), tide over (a difficulty), overcome
局面を打開する: kyokumennodakaisuru: break the deadlock <<< 局面


pronunciation: dakyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: compromise, trade (with)
妥協する: dakyousuru: make a compromise, meet (a person) halfway, settle by mutual concession
妥協させる: dakyousaseru: reconcile
妥協案: dakyouan: compromise plan <<<
妥協点: dakyouten: common grounds <<<
妥協点を見出す: dakyoutennomiidasu: find out common grounds
related words: 譲歩


pronunciation: dakuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: muddy stream


pronunciation: dageki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: blow, hit, shock, hitting, batting
打撃を与える: dagekioataeru: strike [deal] a blow (at), give a blow (at), hit <<<
打撃を加える: dagekiokuwaeru <<<
打撃を受ける: dagekioukeru: get a blow [shock], be hit (by) <<<
打撃王: dagekiou: champion batter <<<
打撃戦: dagekisen: batting game, slugging game <<<
打撃率: dagekiritsu: batting average <<<
大打撃: daidageki: hard [severe] blow, wallop <<<
related words: ショック , 損害


pronunciation: dashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 出し
keyword: food
translation: broth, stock
出汁を取る: dashiotoru: prepare stock <<<
出汁に使う: dashinitsukau: make a cat's-paw of a person, use a person as a tool <<< 使
を出汁にして: odashinishite: under the pretext of


pronunciation: dashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: float, festival [procession] car, pageant


pronunciation: dasha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: baseball
translation: baseball batter, hitter
強打者: kyoudasha: slugger <<<
指名打者: shimeidasha: designated hitter (in baseball), DH <<< 指名
先頭打者: sentoudasha: lead-off batter, first batter <<< 先頭
一番打者: ichibandasha: lead-off man, first batter <<< 一番
synonyms: バッター

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