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Direct access: 弾丸 , 団結 , 断言 , 断固 , 断交 , 団交 , 男根 , 団子 , 談合 , 段差


pronunciation: dangan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: shot, bullet, shell
弾丸を詰める: dangannotsumeru: load a gun, charge a gun with a ball <<<
弾丸道路: dangandouro: superhighway, freeway <<< 道路
弾丸列車: danganressha: bullet-express train, flier <<< 列車


pronunciation: danketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: union, solidarity
団結する: danketsusuru: unite, stick together, combine, organize
団結した: danketsushita: combined, united, solid
団結心: danketsushin: team spirit <<<
団結力: danketsuryoku: capacity for unity <<<
団結権: danketsuken: right of organization <<<
一致団結: itchidanketsu: solidarity, union <<< 一致
related words: 一体


pronunciation: dangen
kanji characters: ,
translation: assertion, affirmation
断言する: dangensuru: assert, affirm, say [state] positively, aver, allege
related words: 確信


pronunciation: danko
kanji characters: ,
translation: decisively, resolutely, positively, firmly
断固として: dankotoshite
断固として拒絶する: dankotoshitekyozetsusuru: give (a person) a flat refusal <<< 拒絶
断固とした: dankotoshita: decisive, resolute, positive, firm
断固たる: dankotaru
断固たる態度を取る: dankotarutaidootoru: take a firm stand
断固たる処置を取る: dankotarushochiotoru: take drastic measures


pronunciation: dankou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: rupture (n.), break (n.)
断交する: dankousuru: rupture (v.), break (v.)


pronunciation: dankou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: collective bargaining
団交権: dankouken: collective bargaining right <<<


pronunciation: dankon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body , sex
translation: phallus, penis
related words: ペニス


pronunciation: dango
kanji characters: ,
keyword: confectionery
translation: dumpling
団子鼻: dangobana: snub nose <<<
団子鼻の: dangobanano: snub-nosed
花より団子: hanayoridango: Pudding rather than praise <<<
肉団子: nikudango: meatball <<<


pronunciation: dangou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: consultation, consulting, counsel, deliberation, guidance
談合する: dangousuru: confer, deliberate, consult, huddle
related words: 相談


pronunciation: dansa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: difference in level

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