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Direct access: 一貫 , 一揆 , 一気 , 一見 , 一個 , 一冊 , 一種 , 一周 , 一週 , 一瞬


pronunciation: ikkan
kanji characters: ,
translation: one 'kan' (about 3.75 kilogram), consistency, coherence
一貫した: ikkanshita: consistent, coherent
一貫して: ikkanshite: consistently, from first to last
一貫作業: ikkansagyou: continuous operation <<< 作業


pronunciation: ikki
kanji characters:
keyword: politics , history
translation: riot, insurrection, rebel (n.), rebellion
一揆を起す: ikkiookosu: raise a riot, rebel (v.) <<<
一揆が起こる: ikkigaokoru: An insurrection occurs
農民一揆: nouminnikki: peasants' riot <<< 農民
百姓一揆: hyakushouikki: peasants' riot <<< 百姓
ミュンヘン一揆: myunhennikki: Munich Putsch, Beer Hall Putsch <<< ミュンヘン
related words: 反乱


pronunciation: ikki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: one stretch [stroke], one breath
一気に: ikkini: at a stretch [stroke], at [in] a breath
一気に飲む: ikkininomu: drink at a [one] draft <<<
一気に飲み干す: ikkininomihosu <<<
related words: 一息


pronunciation: ikken
kanji characters: ,
translation: apparently, seemingly
一見した所: ikkenshitatokoro <<<
一見して: ikkenshite: at first glance
一見する: ikkensuru: have (take) a glance (look) at, glance at
一見状: ikkenjou: approval (of a document) <<<


pronunciation: ikko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: unit
translation: a [one] piece (of)
一個百円: ikkohyakuen: hundred yen a piece <<< 百円
家具一個: kaguikko: a piece of furniture <<< 家具


pronunciation: issatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: one copy, one volume
一冊の本: issatsunohon: one copy [one volume] of book <<<


pronunciation: isshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , law
translation: a kind, a sort, a species, first category
一種の: isshuno: a kind [sort] of
一種独特の: isshudokutokuno: of a peculiar sort, unique <<< 独特 , 異色
一種異様の: isshuiyouno: nondescript, undefinable <<< 異様


pronunciation: isshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , travel
translation: one round, revolution
一周する: isshuusuru: go [travel, revolve] round, make a round
一周忌: isshuuki: the first anniversary of a person's death <<<
一周年: isshuunen: the first anniversary <<<
一周年記念: isshuunenkinen: celebration of the first anniversary <<< 記念
一周旅行: isshuuryokou: round trip <<< 旅行
世界一周: sekaiisshuu: tour round the world <<< 世界
related words: 一巡


pronunciation: isshuu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1週
keyword: calendar
translation: one [a] week
一週間: isshuukan <<<
一週間前: isshuukanmae: a week ago <<<
一週間後: isshuukango: after a week <<<
一週間に一度: isshuukannniichido: once a week <<< 一度
一週間に一回: isshuukannniikkai <<< 一回
一週間に二度: isshuukannninido: twice a week <<< 二度
一週間に二回: isshuukannninikai <<< 二回


pronunciation: isshun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: moment, instant
一瞬の: isshunnno: momentary
一瞬に: isshunnni: momentarily
一瞬間: isshunkan: for an instant [a moment] <<<
一瞬の内に: isshunnnouchini: in an instant [a moment], in a fraction of a second <<<
一瞬の間に: isshunnnomani <<<
一瞬にして: isshunnnishite
related words: 片時

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