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Direct access: 一本 , 何時 , 胃痛 , 五日 , 逸材 , 逸脱 , 逸話 , 射手 , 移転 , 遺伝


pronunciation: ippon
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1本
keyword: sport , unit
translation: one piece, one stick, one hair, one roll, one gain, one blow, one stroke
一本取る: ippontoru: gain one point <<<
一本取られる: ippontorareru: be reduced to the silence by interlocutor, be defeated [beaten]
一本足の: ipponnashino: one-legged <<<
一本立ち: ippondachi: independence <<<
一本立ちの: ippondachino: independent, self-supporting
一本立ちする: ippondachisuru: become independent, stand on one's own legs
一本道: ipponmichi: straight road <<<
一本橋: ipponbashi: bridge of one tree trunk, tree trunk bridge <<<
一本化: ipponka: unification <<<
一本松: ipponmatsu: solitary pine tree <<<
一本気: ippongi: decided, determined, resolute <<<
一本槍: ipponnyari: lance thrust, master stroke, total commitment [devotion] <<<
一本調子: ipponchoushi: monotony <<< 調子
一本調子の: ipponchoushino: monotonous
チョーク一本: chookuippon: a piece of chalk <<< チョーク
ビール一本: biiruippon: a bottle of beer <<< ビール


pronunciation: itsu, nanji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: when, what time
何時も: itsumo: always, usually, habitually
何時でも: itsudemo: any time
何時だって: itsudatte
何時から: itsukara: from what time, since when, how long
何時か: itsuka: some time, some day, one of these days, once, at one time, before, the other day
何時に: nanjini: at what time
何時の間にか: itsunomanika: before one knows, unawares, unnoticed <<<
何時の間に: itsunomani
何時迄も: itsumademo: forever, permanently <<<
何時頃: itsugoro: about what time <<<
今何時ですか: imananjidesuka: What time is it? Have you got the time? <<<
大抵何時も: taiteiitsumo: almost always <<< 大抵


pronunciation: itsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: stomachache, gastralgia
related words: 腹痛


pronunciation: itsuka, gonichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 5日
keyword: calendar
translation: five days, the fifth day (of month)
五日間: itsukakan: five days <<<
五日目: itsukame: fifth day <<<


pronunciation: itsuzai
kanji characters: ,
translation: man of talent
related words: 有能 , 才能


pronunciation: itsudatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: deviation
逸脱する: itsudatsusuru: deviate (from)


pronunciation: itsuwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , literature
translation: anecdote, episode
逸話的: itsuwateki: anecdotal <<<
逸話集: itsuwashuu: collection of anecdotes <<<
related words: エピゾード


pronunciation: ite, shashu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: marksman, rifleman, shooter
射手座: iteza: Archer, Sagittarius <<<


pronunciation: iten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: removal, transfer (n.)
移転する: itensuru: move (vi.), remove, transfer
移転させる: itensaseru: move (vt.), remove, transfer
移転先: itensaki: one's new address <<<
移転料: itenryou: compensation for removal <<<
移転日: itenbi: moving day <<<
移転支出: itenshishutsu: transfer payments <<< 支出
移転通知: itentsuuchi: removal notice <<< 通知
技術移転: gijutsuiten: technology transfer <<< 技術
海外移転: kaigaiiten: offshoring <<< 海外
related words: 引越 , 移動


pronunciation: iden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , medicine
translation: heredity, inheritance
遺伝の: idennno: hereditary, genetic
遺伝する: idensuru: be hereditary, be transmitted
遺伝に因って: idennniyotte: hereditarily <<<
遺伝質: idenshitsu: genetic property, idioplasma <<<
遺伝学: idengaku: genetics <<<
遺伝学者: idengakusha: geneticist <<< 学者
遺伝子: idenshi: gene <<<
遺伝子型: idenshigata: genotype <<<
遺伝子工学: idenshikougaku: genetic engineering <<< 工学
遺伝子操作: idenshisousa: gene manipulation <<< 操作
遺伝子銀行: idenshiginkou: gene bank <<< 銀行
遺伝病: idenbyou: hereditary disease <<<
遺伝情報: idenjouhou: genetic information <<< 情報
遺伝コード: idenkoodo: genetic code <<< コード

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