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Direct access: 因果 , 陰気 , 隠居 , 慇懃 , 隠元 , 鸚哥 , 咽喉 , 印刷 , 印紙 , 飲酒


pronunciation: inga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: cause and effect, fate, ill luck, misfortune, karma
因果な: ingana: unfortunate, unlucky, fatal
因果な子: inganako: unfortunate child <<<
因果な事には: inganakotoniha: as ill luck would have it, to make matters worse <<<
因果と諦める: ingatoakirameru: resign oneself to one's fate <<<
因果を含める: ingaohukumeru: persuade (a person) to accept the inevitable <<<
因果律: ingaritsu: law of cause and effect <<<
因果関係: ingakankei: casualty, casual relation <<< 関係
因果応報: ingaouhou: retribution, nemesis
related words: 運命 , 不運


pronunciation: inki
kanji characters: ,
translation: gloom, somberness, melancholy (n.)
陰気な: inkina: gloomy, dismal, somber, insidious, melancholy (a.), murky
陰気臭い: inkikusai <<<
陰気な顔をする: inkinakaoosuru: wear a gloomy face, look melancholy <<<
antonyms: 陽気


pronunciation: inkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: retirement, retired master, old man [woman]
隠居する: inkyosuru: retire (from active life), go into retirement
隠居所: inkyosho, inkyojo: retreat, place of retirement <<<
隠居仕事: inkyoshigoto: sinecure <<< 仕事
related words: 引退 , 老人


pronunciation: ingin
keyword: greeting
translation: politeness, civility, courteousness
慇懃な: inginnna: polite, civil, courteous
慇懃に: inginnni: politely, civilly, courteously
synonyms: 謙遜


pronunciation: ingen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: vegetable
translation: kidney beans, string beans
隠元豆: ingenmame <<<
白隠元: shiroingen: haricot beans <<<
莢隠元: sayaingen: French beans <<<
青隠元: aoingen: flageolets, dwarf kidney beans <<<


pronunciation: inko
other spells: インコ
keyword: bird
translation: budgerigar, parakeet
related words: 鸚鵡


pronunciation: inkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: throat
咽喉を痛める: inkouoitameru: have a sore throat <<<
咽喉を扼する: inkouoyakusuru: hold the key position
咽喉癌: inkougan: cancer of throat <<<
咽喉カタル: inkoukataru: catarrh of the throat <<< カタル


pronunciation: insatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: office , book
translation: printing
印刷する: insatsusuru: print
印刷の: insatsuno: typographic
印刷の誤り: insatsunoayamari: misprint <<<
印刷中の: insatsuchuuno: in the press <<<
印刷工: insatsukou: printer (person) <<<
印刷屋: insatsuya: printer (person), printing office <<<
印刷所: insatsusho: printing office, print shop <<<
印刷物: insatsubutsu: printer matter <<<
印刷術: insatsujutsu: art of printing, typography <<<
印刷費: insatsuhi: printing costs <<<
印刷機: insatsuki: printing press [machine] <<<
印刷機械: insatsukikai <<< 機械
印刷用紙: insatsuyoushi: printing paper <<< 用紙
印刷インキ: insatsuinki: printing ink


pronunciation: inshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: (revenue, excise) stamp
印紙を貼る: inshioharu: stick [put] a stamp (on), stamp (papers) <<<
印紙税: inshizei: stamp duty <<<
収入印紙: shuunyuuinshi: revenue stamp <<< 収入
related words: 切手


pronunciation: inshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drink , car
translation: drinking (alcohol)
飲酒する: inshusuru: drink (alcohol)
飲酒癖: inshuguse: drinking habit <<<
飲酒家: inshuka: heavy drinker <<<
飲酒運転: inshuunten: drunk-driving <<< 運転
飲酒検査: inshukensa: breathalyzer test, breath test <<< 検査
飲酒テスト: inshutesuto <<< テスト
過度の飲酒: kadonoinshu: over-drink <<< 過度

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