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Direct access: 生簀 , 生贄 , 生花 , 池袋 , 意見 , 威厳 , 以降 , 異国 , 以後 , 囲碁


pronunciation: ikesu
kanji characters:
other spells: 生け簀
keyword: fish
translation: fish preserve, crawl
related words: 水槽


pronunciation: ikenie
kanji characters:
other spells: 生け贄
keyword: religion
translation: sacrifice (n.), victim, offering
生贄の: ikenieno: sacrificial
生贄にする: ikenienisuru: sacrifice (v.)
生贄を捧げる: ikenieosasageru <<<
related words: 犠牲


pronunciation: ikebana
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 生け花, 活花, 活け花
keyword: decoration
translation: flower arrangement
synonyms: 華道
related words:


pronunciation: ikebukuro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ikebukuro (a neighborhood of Tokyo)
池袋駅: ikebukuroeki: Ikebukuro Station <<<


pronunciation: iken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opinion, view, advice, remark, comment, judgment, observation, remonstration, reprimand, admonition
意見する: ikensuru: advise, remonstrate, admonish
意見を言う: ikennoiu: express one's opinion, opine <<<
意見を述べる: ikennonoberu <<<
意見を求める: ikennomotomeru: ask a person's opinion [views, advice] <<<
意見を叩く: ikennotataku <<<
意見に従う: ikennnishitagau: take [follow] a person's advice <<<
意見を曲げない: ikennomagenai: stick to one's opinion <<<
意見を異にする: ikennokotonisuru: disagree (with a person), have a different opinion [view] <<<
意見が一致する: ikengaitchisuru: be of the same opinion, agree (with a person about a matter) <<< 一致
意見を交換する: ikennokoukansuru: exchange views <<< 交換
意見交換: ikenkoukan: exchange of views
意見の対立: ikennnotairitsu: conflict of views <<< 対立
意見調査: ikenchousa: survey, opinion poll <<< 調査
反対意見: hantaiiken: opposite opinion <<< 反対
多数意見: tasuuiken: majority opinion <<< 多数
少数意見: shousuuiken: opinion of the minority <<< 少数
related words: コメント


pronunciation: igen
kanji characters: ,
translation: dignity, prestige
威厳の有る: igennnoaru: dignified, majestic <<<
威厳の無い: igennnonai: undignified <<<
威厳を保つ: igennotamotsu: keep one's dignity <<<
威厳を示す: igennoshimesu: show one's dignity <<<
威厳を失う: igennoushinau: lose one's dignity <<<
威厳を損なう: igennosokonau <<<


pronunciation: ikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: afterward, downward, later
本日以降: honjitsuikou: after today, beginning from today, from this day onwards, from today <<< 本日
related words: 以後


pronunciation: ikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , travel
translation: foreign country
異国の: ikokuno: exotic
異国風の: ikokuhuuno <<<
異国の憧れ: ikokunoakogare: wanderlust <<<
異国人: ikokujin: foreigner <<< , 外人
異国情緒: ikokujoucho: exotic mood, exoticism <<< 情緒
related words: 外国


pronunciation: igo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: from now, in future, since then, after, afterward
related words: 以前 , 以降


pronunciation: igo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: game of go
related words:

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