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Direct access: 愛知 , 青森 , 秋田 , 秋葉 , 浅草 , 池袋 , 石川 , 石巻 , 伊勢 , 茨城


pronunciation: aichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Aichi (prefecture)
愛知県: aichiken: Prefecture of Aichi <<<
愛知万博: aichibanpaku: Aichi Expo 2005
related words:


pronunciation: aomori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Aomori (prefecture, city)
青森県: aomoriken: Prefecture of Aomori <<<
青森市: aomorishi: City of Aomori <<<
related words:


pronunciation: akita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan , pet
translation: Akita (prefecture, city)
秋田県: akitaken: Prefecture of Akita <<<
秋田市: akitashi: City of Akita <<<
秋田犬: akitaken: akita dog <<<
秋田空港: akitakuukou: Aikta Airport <<< 空港
related words:


pronunciation: akiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , japan
translation: leaves of autumn
秋葉原: akihabara: Akihabara (a district of Chiyoda Borough, Tokyo) <<<
秋葉原駅: akihabaraeki: Akihabara Station <<<


pronunciation: asakusa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan , buddhism
translation: Asakusa (a district of Taito Ward, Tokyo)
浅草寺: sensouji: Sensoji Temple <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ikebukuro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ikebukuro (a neighborhood of Tokyo)
池袋駅: ikebukuroeki: Ikebukuro Station <<<


pronunciation: ishikawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ishikawa
石川県: ishikawaken: Prefecture of Ishikawa <<<
石川遼: ishikawaryou: Ryo Ishikawa (a Japanese golfer) <<<
related words:


pronunciation: ishinomaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ishinomaki (city)
石巻市: ishinomakishi: City of Ishinomaki <<<
石巻港: ishinomakikou: Ishinomaki Harbor <<<


pronunciation: ise
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ise (old name of Mie prefecture)
伊勢の国: isenokuni <<<
伊勢市: iseshi: City of Ise <<<
伊勢参り: isemairi: pilgrimage to Ise Shrine <<<
伊勢湾: isewan: Ise Bay <<<
伊勢屋: iseya: merchant from Ise region <<<
伊勢神宮: isejinguu: Ise Shrine <<< 神宮
伊勢海老: iseebi: (spiny) lobster <<< 海老
related words: 三重


pronunciation: ibaraki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Ibaraki
茨城県: ibarakiken: Prefecture of Ibaraki <<<
茨城空港: ibarakikuukou: Ibaraki Airport <<< 空港
related words:

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