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Direct access: 見切 , 右利 , 右手 , 三毛 , 巫女 , 神輿 , 見込 , 未婚 , 見事 , 未熟


pronunciation: mikiri
kanji characters: ,
translation: renunciation, relinquishment
見切を付ける: mikiriotsukeru: give up, abandon, wash one's hands of <<<
見切発車する: mikirihasshasuru <<< 発車
見切品: mikirihin: bargain, clearance goods <<<


pronunciation: migikiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: right-handedness, dexterity, right-hander
右利の: migikikino: right-handed
右利の人: migikikinohito: right-hander <<<
antonyms: 左利


pronunciation: migite
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: one's right hand
右手に: migiteni: on the right
antonyms: 左手


pronunciation: mike
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet
translation: tricolor [tricolored] animal
三毛猫: mikeneko: tortoiseshell cat, tricolor [tricolored] cat <<<


pronunciation: miko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 神子
keyword: religion
translation: maiden in the service of shrine, necromancer, medium
related words: シャマン


pronunciation: mikoshi
kanji characters: , 輿
keyword: religion
translation: miniature [portable] shrine
御神輿: omikoshi <<<
神輿を担ぐ: mikoshiokatsugu: carry about a miniature [portable] shrine, flatter <<<
神輿を据える: mikoshiosueru: settle oneself down, plant oneself <<<
神輿を上げる: mikoshioageru: rise from one's seat, get a move on <<<


pronunciation: mikomi
kanji characters: ,
translation: promise, hope, expectation, anticipation, estimate possibility, likelihood, chance
見込の有る: mikominoaru: promising, of fair promise, hopeful <<<
見込の無い: mikominonai: hopeless <<<
見込が当たる: mikomigaataru: One's expectation comes true <<<
見込が外れる: mikomigahazureru: One's expectation falls through <<<
見込を付ける: mikomiotsukeru: form an estimate [a judgment] <<<
見込違い: mikomichigai: miscalculation <<<
見込違いをする: mikomichigaiosuru: miscalculate
related words: 希望 , 期待


pronunciation: mikon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: single status, celibacy
未婚の: mikonnno: unmarried, single
未婚の母: mikonnnohaha: unmarried [single] mother <<<
未婚者: mikonsha: unmarried person, bachelor, spinster, old maid <<<
antonyms: 結婚


pronunciation: migoto
kanji characters: ,
translation: beauty, splendor, excellence, skillfulness, dexterity
見事な: migotona: beautiful, fine, nice, splendid, admirable, excellent, skillful, dexterous
見事に: migotoni: beautifully, finely, splendidly, admirably, excellently, skillfully, dexterously, completely, fairly
見事に失敗する: migotonishippaisuru: end in an utter failure <<< 失敗
御見事: omigoto: bravo! well done! <<<


pronunciation: mijuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: immaturity, inexperience
未熟な: mijukuna: unripe, immature, inexperienced, unskilled
未熟者: mijukumono: inexperienced person, novice, greenhorn <<<
未熟児: mijukuji: premature baby (infant) <<<
related words: 初心

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