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Direct access: 身振り , 身分 , 見本 , 未亡人 , 見舞 , 未満 , 耳掻き , 蚯蚓 , 木菟 , 耳朶


pronunciation: miburi
kanji characters: ,
translation: gesture
身振りをする: miburiosuru: make gestures
身振り言語: miburigengo: body language <<< 言語
related words: ジェスチャー


pronunciation: mibun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: social position [standing, status], one's station in life, rank
身分が高い: mibungatakai: be of a high social level <<<
身分が低い: mibungahikui: be of a low social level <<<
身分が違う: mibungachigau: be of a different social level <<<
身分を明かす: mibunnoakasu: disclose [reveal] one's identity <<<
身分を隠す: mibunnokakusu: conceal one's identity <<<
身分相応に: mibunsououni: within one's means <<< 相応
身分不相応に: mibunhusououni: beyond one's means
身分を証明する: mibunnoshoumeisuru: identify oneself <<< 証明
身分証明書: mibunshoumeisho: identity [identification] card
身分保障: mibunhoshou: guarantee of status
related words: 身元


pronunciation: mihon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: sample, specimen, example, model, type
見本市: mihonnichi: trade fair <<<
見本帳: mihonchou: sample book <<<
見本刷: mihonzuri: proof copy <<<
見本注文: mihonchuumon: order by sample <<< 注文
見本売買: mihonbaibai: sale by sample <<< 売買
内容見本: naiyoumihon: prospectus, specimen pages <<< 内容
商品見本: shouhinmihon: trade sample <<< 商品
related words: サンプル


pronunciation: miboujin
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: family
translation: widow
未亡人に成る: miboujinnninaru: be left a widow, lose one's husband <<<
synonyms: 後家


pronunciation: mimai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: inquiry (after), expression of sympathy, visit, friendly call
見舞に行く: mimainiiku: make a call of inquiry, pay (a person) visit (of inquiry after his health), go and comfort (a sick person) <<<
見舞う: mimau
見舞を述べる: mimaionoberu: express one's sympathy (with a person for) <<<
見舞客: mimaikyaku: visitor, inquirer <<<
見舞人: mimainin <<<
見舞金: mimaikin: gift of money, solatium <<<
見舞状: mimaijou: letter of sympathy [inquiry] <<<
見舞品: mimaihin: gift of sympathy [inquiry] <<<
病気見舞: byoukimimai: visit to a sick person <<< 病気
病人を見舞う: byouninnomimau: pay the patient a visit <<< 病人
洪水に見舞われる: kouzuinimimawareru: suffer from a flood, be flooded <<< 洪水


pronunciation: miman
kanji characters: ,
translation: under, below
未満の: mimannno: less than
related words: 以上


pronunciation: mimikaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: earpick


pronunciation: mimizu
kanji characters:
other spells: ミミズ
keyword: insect
translation: earthworm
蚯蚓書: mimuzugaki: doodle (n.), graffito, scribble, scribbling <<<
蚯蚓書をする: mimuzugakiosuru: doodle (v.), scribble, scratch
蚯蚓腫れ: mimizubare: scrape, scratch, graze <<<


pronunciation: mimizuku
kanji characters:
other spells: ミミズク, 角鴟, 鴟鵂
keyword: bird
translation: horned owl
related words:


pronunciation: mimitabu
kanji characters:
other spells: 耳埵
keyword: body
translation: earlobe, lobe of the ear

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