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Direct access: 物事 , 物差 , 物好き , 物見 , 物忘れ , 最早 , 模範 , 喪服 , 模倣 , 木綿


pronunciation: monogoto
kanji characters: ,
translation: things, everything, all things
物事に気の付く: monogotonikinotsuku: careful, thoughtful, quick-witted


pronunciation: monosashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 物指
keyword: unit
translation: foot rule, measure, criterion
物差で計る: monosashidehakaru: measure with a rule <<<


pronunciation: monozuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: curiosity, whim, eccentricity, curious person, curiosity seeker
物好きな: monozukina: curious, whimsical, eccentric
物好きに: monozukini: out of curiosity
物好きにも: monozukinimo
物好きで: monozukide: for fun


pronunciation: monomi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: watchtower, lookout, scout, sightseeing
物見高い: monomidakai: curious, inquisitive <<<
物見櫓: monomiyagura: watchtower, guard tower, lookout tower <<<
物見遊山: monomiyusan: pleasure seeking


pronunciation: monowasure
kanji characters: ,
translation: forgetfulness
物忘れする: monowasuresuru: forget, be forgetful


pronunciation: mohaya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: already, now, by this time, (not) any longer, (no) more, (no) longer
related words:


pronunciation: mohan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: model, example, pattern
模範とする: mohantosuru: model a thing after, model oneself
模範にする: mohannnisuru
模範を示す: mohannoshimesu: set an example (to a person), show [give] a good example (of) <<<
模範的: mohanteki: model, exemplary <<<
模範囚: mohanshuu: well-behaved prisoner <<<
模範生: mohansei: model student <<<
模範学生: mohangakusei <<< 学生
模範試合: mohanshiai: exhibition game [match] <<< 試合


pronunciation: mohuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: mourning, black
喪服を着た: mohukuokita: in mourning <<<
related words: 葬式


pronunciation: mohou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: imitation, copy (n.)
模倣する: mohousuru: imitate, copy (v.), follow an example, mimic
模倣者: mohousha: copycat, imitator, aper, copier, copyist <<<
模倣品: mohouhin: replica, clone, remake, reproduction <<<
synonyms: 模造 , 真似 , コピー


pronunciation: momen
kanji characters: , 綿
keyword: fabric
translation: cotton (n.)
木綿の: momennno: cotton (a.)
木綿糸: momennito: cotton thread [yarn] <<<
木綿織: momenori: cotton fabrics <<<
木綿織物: momenorimono <<< 織物
木綿物: momenmono: cotton goods <<<
手織木綿: teorimomen: hand-woven [homespun] cotton cloth <<< 手織
天竺木綿: tenjikumomen: T-cloths <<< 天竺

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