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Direct access: 町並 , 真近 , 真赤 , 末期 , 真白 , 真直ぐ , 末端 , 抹茶 , 松江 , 睫毛


pronunciation: machinami
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 街並
keyword: town
translation: street, row of houses (on a street)
related words:


pronunciation: maJika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: very near, close [immediate] proximity
真近に: maJikani: near by
真近に迫る: maJikanisemaru: be close [bear] at hand, be just around the corner <<<


pronunciation: makka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 真っ赤
keyword: color
translation: deep-red (n.), bright [blazing, flame] red, crimson
真赤な: makkana: deep-red (a.), bright [blazing, flame] red, crimson
真赤な嘘: makkanauso: downright lie <<<
真赤に成る: makkaninaru: turn [become] red, flush (up) <<<
synonyms: 深紅


pronunciation: makki, matsugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the last years [stage], one's dying hour
末期的: makkiteki: decadent <<<
末期的症状: makkitekishoujou: signs of downfall <<< 症状
末期の苦しみ: matsugonokurushimi: death agonies <<<
末期の水: matsugonomizu: last earthly drink <<<
末期に臨んで: matsugoninozonde: on one's deathbed <<<
related words: 初期 , 臨終


pronunciation: masshiro
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 真っ白
keyword: color
translation: pure white, snow white
真白な: masshirona: pure-white, snow-white, virgin-white
synonyms: 純白


pronunciation: massugu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 真っ直ぐ
translation: direct (n.), directness, straight, straightness
真直ぐに: massuguni: direct (adv.), directly, straight, straightly, honestly, straightforwardly
真直ぐに立つ: massugunitatsu: stand upright <<<
真直ぐに行く: massuguniiku: go straight forward <<< , 直行
真直ぐにする: massugunisuru: straighten
真直ぐな: massuguna: straight, straightforward, upright, honest
related words: 直接


pronunciation: mattan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: end, tip
末端価格: mattankakaku: retail price, street value <<< 価格
末端機構: mattankikou: the smallest unit (of an organization) <<< 機構
related words: 端末


pronunciation: matcha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drink
translation: powdered (green) tea
related words: 緑茶


pronunciation: matsue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Matsue (capital of Shimane prefecture)
松江市: matsueshi: City of Matsue <<<
松江城: matsuejou: Matsue Castle <<<
related words: 島根 ,


pronunciation: matsuge
kanji characters:
keyword: body
translation: eyelashes
付け睫毛: tsukematsuge: false [artificial] lashes <<<
書き睫毛: kakimatsuge: drawn lashes <<<
逆さ睫毛: sakasamatsuge: trichiasis <<<
related words: 眉毛

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