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Direct access: 戴冠 , 大河 , 体外 , 退学 , 対岸 , 大気 , 退却 , 大邱 , 退去 , 太極


pronunciation: taikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: coronation
戴冠式: taikanshiki: coronation ceremony <<<


pronunciation: taiga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: large river
大河小説: taigashousetsu: saga novel, roman fleuve <<< 小説
大河ドラマ: taigadorama: long historical TV-dramas (broadcasted by NHK in Japan) <<< ドラマ


pronunciation: taigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: outside of body
体外の: taigaino: extrasomatic, in vitro
体外受精: taigaijusei: external [in vitro] fertilization <<< 受精
体外受精児: taigaijuseiji: test-tube baby, externally conceived baby <<<


pronunciation: taigaku
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: school
translation: leaving school
退学する: taigakusuru: leave [quit, give up] school (halfway)
退学させる: taigakusaseru: take a person out of school, withdraw a person from school, expel a person from school
退学に成る: taigakuninaru: be dismissed [expelled] from school <<<
退学届: taigakutodoke: notice of withdrawal from school <<<
中途退学: chuutotaigaku: dropout (n.) <<< 中途
中途退学する: chuutotaigakusuru: quit [give up, leave] school [college] (unfinished, before graduation) <<< 中途


pronunciation: taigan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: opposite bank [shore]
対岸の火災視する: taigannnokasaishisuru: look on (a matter) with indifference


pronunciation: taiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: atmosphere, air
大気の: taikino: atmospheric
大気圧: taikiatsu: atmospheric pressure <<<
大気圏: taikiken: atmosphere, atmospheric sphere <<<
大気圏外: taikikengai: outer space <<<
大気汚染: taikiosen: air pollution <<< 汚染
related words: 空気


pronunciation: taikyaku
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: war
translation: retreat (n.), withdrawal
退却する: taikyakusuru: retreat (v.), beat [make] a retreat, withdraw
退却軍: taikyagun: retreating army <<<
総退却: soutaikyaku: general [full] retreat <<<


pronunciation: taikyuu
kanji characters:
other spells: テグ
keyword: asia
translation: Daegu [Taegu] (city)
大邱市: taikyuushi: City of Daegu [Taegu] <<<
大邱世界陸上: taikyuusekairikujou: Daegu [Taegu] World Championships in Athletics (2011) <<< 陸上


pronunciation: taikyo
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: disaster
translation: withdrawal, evacuation
退去する: taikyosuru: leave, evacuate, depart
退去させる: taikyosaseru: expel (a person) from
退去を命じる: taikyoomeijiru: order (a person) out of (a place) <<<
退去命令: taikyomeirei: order for withdrawal [evacuation] <<< 命令
related words: 撤退


pronunciation: taikyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: china
translation: taiji (a Chinese philosophy), great ridgepole
太極拳: taikyokuken: tai chi chuan <<<
太極旗: taikyokuken: (south) Korean flag <<<

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