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Direct access: 食物 , 多忙 , 玉子 , 玉突 , 玉葱 , 玉虫 , 賜物 , 溜息 , 多様 , 鱈子


pronunciation: tabemono, shokumotsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 食べ物
keyword: food
translation: food, provisions, victuals
食物が良い: tabemonogaii: be well fed <<<
食物が悪い: tabemonogawarui: be ill fed <<<
食物を与える: tabemonooataeru: feed <<<
食物屋: tabemonoya: eating house, shop where food is sold <<< , 食堂 , レストラン
食物の恨み: tabemononourami: jealousy about food <<<
synonyms: フード


pronunciation: tabou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: pressure of business
多忙な: tabouna: busy
多忙である: taboudearu: be occupied with, have much to do
多忙を極める: tabouokiwameru: be pressed by work, be busy as a bee <<<
多忙の為: tabounotame: on account of the pressure of business <<<


pronunciation: tamago
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: egg
玉子焼: tamagoyaki: omelet <<< , オムレツ
乾燥玉子: kansoutamago: dry [dehydrated] eggs <<< 乾燥


pronunciation: tamatsuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: game
translation: billiards
玉突をする: tamatsukiosuru: play at billiards
玉突台: tamatsukidai: billiard table <<<
玉突場: tamatsukijou: billiard hall <<<
玉突棒: tamatsukibou: billiard cue <<<
玉突衝突: tamatsukishoutotsu: chain-reaction traffic accident, chain [serial] accident <<< 衝突
synonyms: ビリヤード


pronunciation: tamanegi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: vegetable
translation: onion


pronunciation: tamamushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: insect
translation: Chrysochroa elegans
玉虫色: tamamushiiro: iridescence <<<
玉虫色の: tamamushiirono: iridescent


pronunciation: tamamono
kanji characters: ,
translation: gift, boon
天の賜物: tennnotamamono: godsend, blessing <<<


pronunciation: tameiki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 溜め息, ため息
translation: (heavy) sigh
溜息を吐く: tameikiotsuku: sigh (v.), heave [draw] a sigh <<<
溜息を吐いて: tameikiohaite: with a sigh
synonyms: 吐息


pronunciation: tayou
kanji characters: ,
translation: variety, diversity
多様性: tayousei <<<
多様な: tayouna: various, diverse, manifold
多様化: tayouka: diversification <<<
多様化する: tayoukasuru: diversify
synonyms: 色々 , 様々


pronunciation: tarako
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タラコ
keyword: fish
translation: cod roe

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