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Direct access: 大義 , 退屈 , 待遇 , 体型 , 体系 , 対決 , 体験 , 体現 , 太鼓 , 対抗


pronunciation: taigi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: justice, righteousness
大義名分: taigimeibun: just cause
synonyms: 正義


pronunciation: taikutsu
kanji characters: 退 ,
translation: boredom, dullness, tedium, monotony, ennui
退屈な: taikuna: boring, dull, tedious, monotonous
退屈する: taikutsusuru: be bored, find dull
退屈させる: taikutsusaseru: bore
退屈そう: taikutsusou: seem bored
退屈を紛らす: taikutsuomagirasu: kill time, beguile [relieve] tedium [boredom] <<<
退屈を凌ぐ: taikutsuoshinogu <<<
退屈凌ぎに: taikutsushinogini: just to kill time, to relieve the boredom
synonyms: 倦怠


pronunciation: taiguu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: treatment, reception, pay, service
待遇する: taiguusuru: treat, receive, pay
待遇が悪い: taiguugawarui: be treated coldly, be poorly paid <<<
待遇が良い: taiguugaii, taiguugayoi: be treated warmly, be well paid <<<
待遇の良い: taiguunoii, taiguunoyoi: hospitable, well-paid
差別待遇: sabetsutaiguu: discriminatory (discriminating) treatment <<< 差別
related words: 応接 , 応対 , 給料 , サービス


pronunciation: taikei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 体形
keyword: body
translation: one's figure, corpulence


pronunciation: taikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: outline, system
体系的: taikeiteki: systematical <<<
体系的に: taikeitekini: systematically
体系付ける: taikeiZukeru: systematize <<<
体系化する: taikeikasuru <<<
体系を作る: taikeiotsukuru: formulate a system <<<
価値体系: kachitaikei: value system, system of values <<< 価値
給与体系: kyuuyotaikei: wage system <<< 給与
related words: システム


pronunciation: taiketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , law
translation: confrontation
対決する: taiketsusuru: confront oneself (with)
対決させる: taiketsusaseru: confront sb. with sb., bring (a person) face to face (with)
力の対決: chikaranotaiketsu: confrontation of force <<<


pronunciation: taiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , computer
translation: experience (n.)
体験する: taikensuru: experience (v.)
体験談: taikendan: history of one's experience <<<
体験版: taikenban: demo version <<<
related words: 経験


pronunciation: taigen
kanji characters: ,
translation: embodiment, incarnation
体現する: taigensuru: embody, incarnate, personify, give a concrete form (to)
synonyms: 具現


pronunciation: taiko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: musical instrument
translation: drum
太鼓を叩く: taikootataku: beat a drum, flatter, chime in with (a person) <<<
太鼓の音: taikonooto: sound of a drum, drumbeat <<<
太鼓腹: taikobara: potbelly <<<
太鼓橋: taikobashi: arch bridge <<<
太鼓判: taikoban: hallmark, firm guarantee <<<
太鼓判を押す: taikobannoosu: vouch for <<<
大太鼓: oodaiko: bass drum <<<
小太鼓: kodaiko: snare drum <<<
related words: ドラム ,


pronunciation: taikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , politics
translation: opposition, competition, rivalry
対抗する: taikousuru: oppose, compete, match, be against
対抗させる: taikousaseru: pit (set up) so. against
対抗馬: taikouba: opponent, rival <<<
対抗策: taikousaku: counter plan <<<
対抗試合: taikoushiai: round robin competition <<< 試合
対抗手段: taikoushudan: counteragent <<< 手段
対抗処置: taikoushochi: counter-measure <<< 処置
related words: 対立

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