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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 , 66
Direct access: 通信 , 通常 , 通知 , 通帳 , 通念 , 通販 , 痛風 , 通風 , 通訳 , 通例


pronunciation: tsuushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: correspondence, communication, news, information
通信する: tsuushinsuru: correspond, communicate
通信簿: tsuushinbo: school report <<< 簿
通信員: tsuushinnin: correspondent <<<
通信社: tsuushinsha: news agency <<<
通信網: tsuushinmou: network of news service <<<
通信欄: tsuushinran: correspondence columns <<<
通信費: tsuushinhi: communication expenses <<<
通信販売: tsuushinhanbai: mail-order <<< 販売 , 通販
通信教育: tsuushinkyouiku: correspondence course <<< 教育
通信講座: tsuushinkouza <<< 講座
通信衛星: tsuushinneisei: communication satellite <<< 衛星
通信機関: tsuushinkikan: communication service <<< 機関
衛星通信: eiseitsuushin: satellite communication <<< 衛星
緊急通信: kinkyuutsuushin: emergency message <<< 緊急
パルス通信: parusutsuushin: pulse communication <<< パルス
シリアル通信: shiriarutsuushin: serial transmission <<< シリアル
データ通信: deetatsuushin: data communication <<< データ
synonyms: 交信 , 伝達


pronunciation: tsuujou
kanji characters: ,
translation: usually, ordinarily, generally, as a rule
通常は: tsuujouwa
通常の: tsuujouno: ordinary, common, usual, regular
通常会員: tsuujoukaiin: ordinary [regular] member <<< 会員
通常国会: tsuujoukokkai: ordinary [regular] session of the Diet <<< 国会
通常収入: tsuujoushuunyuu: ordinary income <<< 収入
通常条項: tsuujoujoukou: commerce clause
通常戦争: tsuujousensou: conventional warfare <<< 戦争
通常兵器: tsuujouheiki: conventional weapon <<< 兵器
synonyms: 普通 , 通例


pronunciation: tsuuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: report, notice, notification, information
通知する: tsuuchisuru: inform, notify, give notice, let know, communicate
通知を受ける: tsuuchioukeru: receive notice, be notified [informed] <<<
通知表: tsuuchihyou: report card, school report <<<
通知簿: tsuuchibo <<< 簿
通知状: tsuuchijou: notice, letter of advice, announcement <<<
通知書: tsuuchisho: notification <<<
通知貯金: tsuuchichokin: deposit at call notice <<< 貯金
受取通知: uketoritsuuchi: acknowledgment of receipt, proof of delivery <<< 受取
移転通知: itentsuuchi: removal notice <<< 移転
合格通知: goukakutsuuchi: acceptance letter <<< 合格
死亡通知: shiboutsuuchi: announcement of death <<< 死亡
採用通知: saiyoutsuuchi: notification of employment <<< 採用
解雇通知: kaikotsuuchi: dismissal notice <<< 解雇
related words: 報告 , レポート


pronunciation: tsuuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: bankbook, passbook
預金通帳: yokintsuuchou: deposit passbook <<< 預金
貯金通帳: chokintsuuchou: savings [deposit] passbook <<< 貯金
銀行通帳: ginkoutsuuchou: bankbook <<< 銀行


pronunciation: tsuunen
kanji characters: ,
translation: common idea, generally accepted idea


pronunciation: tsuuhan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: mail-order


pronunciation: tsuuhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: gout
痛風に罹る: tsuuhuunikakaru: be affected with [have an attack of] gout <<<
痛風に苦しむ: tsuuhuunikurushimu: suffer from gout <<<
痛風患者: tsuuhuukanja: gouty (n.) <<< 患者


pronunciation: tsuuhuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: ventilation, airing
通風が良い: tsuuhuugaii: be well ventilated, have good ventilation <<<
通風が悪い: tsuuhuugawarui: be badly ventilated, have bad ventilation <<<
通風管: tsuuhuukan: air pipe, ventiduct <<<
通風器: tsuuhuuki: ventilator <<<
通風計: tsuuhuukei: draft gauge <<<
通風口: tsuuhuukou: ventilation hole <<<
通風孔: tsuuhuukou: vent (hole), ventage <<<
通風窓: tsuuhuusou: vent [ventilation] slot <<<
通風装置: tsuuhuusouchi: ventilating device <<< 装置
related words: 通気 , 換気


pronunciation: tsuuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar , job
translation: interpretation, interpreter
通訳する: tsuuyakusuru: interpret, translate
通訳を務める: tsuuyakuotsutomeru <<<
通訳者: tsuuyakusha: interpreter, translator <<<
通訳官: tsuuyakukan: official interpreter <<<
同時通訳: doujitsuuyaku: simultaneous interpretation <<< 同時
related words: 翻訳


pronunciation: tsuurei
kanji characters: ,
translation: custom, habitude, usually, customarily, commonly, ordinarily, generally, as a rule
通例は: tsuureiwa: usually, customarily, commonly, ordinarily, generally
通例の: tsuureino: usual, customary, common, ordinary, general
synonyms: 通常

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