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Direct access: 積立 , 積地 , 旋毛 , 爪痕 , 詰合せ , 爪切り , 通夜 , 梅雨 , 露草 , 強気


pronunciation: tsumitate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 積み立
keyword: market
translation: reserve (fund), savings
積立金: tsumitatekin: reserve fund, installment savings, deposit <<<


pronunciation: tsumichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 積み地
keyword: transport
translation: place of loading [lading], place of taking in charge


pronunciation: tsumuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: whirl of hair on the head
旋毛を曲げる: tsumujiomageru: get cross, become perverse, [cranky], lose one's temper <<<
旋毛曲がり: tsumujimagari: crank (n.), perverse person
旋毛曲がりな: tsumujimagarina: perverse, cross-grained, contrary, bigoted


pronunciation: tsumeato
kanji characters:
keyword: disaster
translation: nail mark, scratch
爪痕を付ける: tsumeatootsukeru: mark with one's nails <<<
爪痕を残す: tsumeatoonokosu <<<


pronunciation: tsumeawase
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 詰め合せ, 詰め合わせ
keyword: shop
translation: assortment, gift box [package]
詰合せる: tsumeawaseru: assort
詰合せセット: tsumeawasesetto: gift box [package] <<< セット


pronunciation: tsumekiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: nail clippers, nail scissors


pronunciation: tsuya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: deathwatch, wake
通夜をする: tsuyaosuru: keep vigil, hold a wake


pronunciation: tsuyu, baiu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: rainy [wet] season
梅雨時: tsuyudoki <<<
梅雨の入り: tsuyunoiri: sitting-in of the rainy [wet] season <<<
梅雨の明け: tsuyunoake: passing of the rainy [wet] season <<<
梅雨前線: baiuzensen: seasonal rain front <<< 前線


pronunciation: tsuyukusa
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ツユクサ
keyword: flower
translation: asiatic dayflower, commelina communis
露草色: tsuyukusairo: pale indigo <<<


pronunciation: tsuyoki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: strong-mindedness, bullish sentiment
強気の: tsuyokino: strong-minded, bullish
強気に成る: tsuyokininaru: become strong-minded [bullish] <<<
強気市場: tsuyokishijou: bullish [bull] market <<< 市場
antonyms: 弱気

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