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Direct access: 適応 , 適性 , 適正 , 適切 , 適当 , 適度 , 適任 , 適用 , 手際 , 手首


pronunciation: tekiou
kanji characters: ,
translation: adaptation
適応する: tekiousuru: fit, adapt oneself to
適応症: tekioushou: indication, disease for which a medicine is efficacious <<<
適応性: tekiousei: adaptability, flexibility <<<
適応性の有る: tekiouseinoaru: adaptable, flexible <<<
適応性の無い: tekiouseinonai: inadaptable, inflexible <<<


pronunciation: tekisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: aptitude
適性の有る: tekiseinoaru: apt to, suitable for <<<
適性検査: tekiseikensa: aptitude test <<< 検査
related words: 適正


pronunciation: tekisei
kanji characters: ,
translation: justness, appropriateness
適正な: tekiseina: proper, appropriate, just
適正価格: tekiseikakaku: reasonable price <<< 価格
related words: 適切 , 適当 , 適性


pronunciation: tekisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: moral
translation: adequacy, pertinence, aptness
適切な: tekisetsuna: adequate, appropriate, pertinent, fit, apt
適切に: tekisetsuni: adequately, appropriately, pertinently
不適切: hutekisetsu: unsuitableness, inadequacy <<<
不適切な: hutekisetsuna: unfit (to, for), inappropriate, unsuitable, inadequate
synonyms: 適正 , 適当


pronunciation: tekitou
kanji characters: ,
translation: suitability, adequacy
適当な: tekitouna: fit (for), suitable (to, for), proper, adequate, appropriate, competent (to do, for a task)
適当な時に: tekitounatokini: at a [the] proper time [season] <<<
適当に: tekitouni: suitably, properly, adequately
適当する: tekitousuru: suit, fit, to be fit for
適当と認める: tekitoutomitomeru: think (it) fit [proper] <<<
適当と思う: tekitoutoomou <<<


pronunciation: tekido
kanji characters: ,
translation: moderation
適度な: tekidona: moderate, temperate, a proper amount of
適度に: tekidoni: moderately, temperately, in moderation
適度にする: tekidonisuru: be moderate (in), use moderation (in)
related words: 適当


pronunciation: tekinin
kanji characters: ,
translation: suitability, aptness, qualification
適任の: tekininnno: fit (for), suited (to, for), suitable (for), competent (for)
適任でない: tekinindenai: unfitted, unsuited, incompetent
適任者: tekininsha: well-qualified person, the right man <<<


pronunciation: tekiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: application
適用する: tekiyousuru: apply (a rule to)
適用しうる: tekiyoushiuru: applicable
適用を誤る: tekiyouoayamaru: misapply <<<
適用出来ない: tekiyoudekinai: inapplicable <<< 出来


pronunciation: tegiwa
kanji characters: ,
translation: performance, skill, dexterity, workmanship
手際が良い: tegiwagaii: be skillful (in doing) <<<
手際が悪い: tegiwagawarui: be unskillful (in doing) <<<
手際良い: tegiwaii: skillful, dexterous, tactful, neat <<<
手際良く: tegiwayoku: skillfully, dexterously, tactfully, neatly
手際を見せる: tegiwaomiseru: show [display] one's skill (in doing) <<<
不手際: hutegiwa: clumsiness, indexterity, blunder <<<
不手際な: hutegiwana: unskillful, clumsy, awkward, bungling


pronunciation: tekubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: wrist
手首を握る: tekubionigiru: seize (a person) by the wrist <<<
antonyms: 足首

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