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Direct access: 対照 , 対称 , 大将 , 退職 , 耐震 , 対峙 , 退治 , 胎児 , 体重 , 退場


pronunciation: taishou
kanji characters: ,
translation: contrast (n.), comparison, collation
対照する: taishousuru: contrast (v.), compare, collate
対照を成す: taishouonasu: form a contrast, be in contrast <<<
対照的: taishouteki: contrasting <<<
related words: 比較 , 相違


pronunciation: taishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shape
translation: symmetry
対称の: taishouno: symmetric, symmetrical
対称的: taishouteki <<<
対称的に: taishoutekini: symmetrically
非対称: hitaishou: asymmetry <<<
非対称の: hitaishouno: asymmetric, asymmetrical
非対称的: hitaishouteki <<<
related words: 対応


pronunciation: taishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: general, admiral, head, chief, master, boss
総大将: soudaishou: generalissimo <<<
青大将: aodaishou: Japanese rat snake <<<
陸軍大将: rikuguntaishou: (full) general <<< 陸軍
海軍大将: kaiguntaishou: admiral <<< 海軍
餓鬼大将: gakidaishou: boss of the kids, cock of the school, bully <<< 餓鬼
related words: 将軍 , 中将 , 少将


pronunciation: taishoku
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: job
translation: retirement, resignation
退職する: taishokusuru: resign [leave, vacate] an office, retire from office [service]
退職者: taishokusha: retired employee, person who has left the company <<<
退職金: taishokukin: retiring allowance, discharge allowance <<<
退職手当: taishokuteate <<< 手当
退職勧告: taishokukankoku: advice to resign <<< 勧告
退職奨励: taishokushourei: encouragement to retire <<< 奨励
退職官吏: taishokukanri: retired official <<< 官吏
退職資金: taishokushikin: retirement fund <<< 資金
退職年金: taishokunenkin: retirement annuity <<< 年金
退職年限: taishokunengen: retirement age limit
希望退職: kiboutaishoku: voluntary retirement <<< 希望
related words: 退社


pronunciation: taishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: earthquake-proofing
耐震の: taishinnno: earthquake-proof
耐震家屋: taishinkaoku: earthquake-proof building <<< 家屋
耐震建築: taishinkenchiku <<< 建築
related words: 地震


pronunciation: taiji
kanji characters:
keyword: war
translation: face to face
対峙する: taijisuru: confront, stand face to face (with), hold one's own (against)


pronunciation: taiji
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: security
translation: subjugation, conquest, extermination
退治する: taijisuru: subjugate, subdue, conquer, destroy, exterminate, stamp [wipe] out
鼠を退治する: nezumiotaijisuru: exterminate the rats (in a place) <<<


pronunciation: taiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: embryo, fetus


pronunciation: taijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (body) weight
体重が増す: taijuugamasu: gain (put on) weight <<<
体重が減る: taijuugaheru: lose weight <<<
体重を量る: taijuuohakaru: weigh oneself <<<
体重計: taijuukei: bathroom scales <<<
related words: 身長


pronunciation: taijou
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: sport
translation: exit (n.)
退場する: taijousuru: leave (a place), go away (from), exit (v.)
退場させる: taijousaseru: order (a person) out of (the hall, the field)
退場を命じる: taijouomeijiru <<<

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