Japanese display
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Direct access: 天守 , 天主 , 添書 , 転職 , 転進 , 展示 , 点字 , 天竺 , 天井 , 点数


pronunciation: tenshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: castle tower [keep], donjon
天守閣: tenshukaku <<<
related words:


pronunciation: tenshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: God, The God Lord
天主教: tenshukyou: Roman Catholicism <<<
天主教会: tenshukyoukai: Roman Catholicism Church <<< 教会
天主教徒: tenshukyouto: a Roman Catholic <<< 教徒
related words: , カトリック


pronunciation: tensho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: letter of recommendation [reference], letter of introduction
synonyms: 添状


pronunciation: tenshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: occupational change, change of career [occupation]
転職する: tenshokusuru: change one's employment [job, occupation]


pronunciation: tenshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: change of direction, transfer, withdrawal
転進する: tenshinsuru: change one's course, be transferred (to), withdraw
related words: 撤退


pronunciation: tenji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: exhibition, display
展示する: tenjisuru: exhibit (v.), display, place [put] (things) on display
展示会: tenjikai: exhibition, show <<<
展示品: tenjihin: exhibit (n.) <<<


pronunciation: tenji
kanji characters: ,
translation: Braille points [type]
点字を読む: tenjioyomu: read Braille points <<<
点字に訳す: tenjiniyakusu: transcribe into Braille <<<
点字書: tenjisho: book in Braille (points) <<<
点字本: tenjihon <<<


pronunciation: tenjiku
kanji characters:
keyword: asia
translation: India (anc.)
天竺の: tenjikuno: Indian
天竺葵: tenjikuaoi: geranium <<< , ゼラニウム
天竺鼠: tenjikunezumi: guinea pig <<< , モルモット
天竺木綿: tenjikumomen: T-cloths <<< 木綿
天竺牡丹: denjikubotan: dahlia <<< 牡丹 , ダリア
synonyms: インド


pronunciation: tenjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: ceiling
天井を張る: tenjouoharu: ceil a room, furnish with a ceiling <<<
天井裏で: tenjouurade: on the ceiling <<<
天井知らずの: tenjoushirazuno: skyrocketing <<<
天井を打つ: tenjououtsu: reach the ceiling <<<
天井窓: tenjoumado: hatch, skylight <<<
天井画: tenjouga: ceiling fresco <<<
天井価格: tenjoukakaku: ceiling price, top price <<< 価格
天井桟敷: tenjousajiki: gallery <<< 桟敷


pronunciation: tensuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: (number of) marks, score, points, runs, number of articles
点数を付ける: tensuuotsukeru: give (students) marks, grade, rate <<<
点数稼ぎに: tensuukasegini: in order to make a good impression <<<
点数表: tensuuhyou: scorebook, list of marks, point table <<<
related words: 得点 , スコア

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