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Direct access: 搭載 , 盗撮 , 倒産 , 当座 , 東西 , 透視 , 闘士 , 投資 , 党首 , 投手


pronunciation: tousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: loading, carrying
搭載する: tousaisuru: load, take in, carry
搭載量: tousairyou: loading [carrying] capacity <<<


pronunciation: tousatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret photographing [filming], secret [covert] photograph [film]
盗撮する: tousatsusuru: secretly photograph [film]
盗撮画像: tousatsugazou: secret [covert] picture [photography] <<< 画像
盗撮動画: tousatsudouga: secret [covert] movie [film] <<< 動画
related words: 隠し撮


pronunciation: tousan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , finance
translation: bankruptcy (of a company), insolvency, bank failure
倒産する: tousansuru: go [become] bankrupt [insolvent]
related words: 破産


pronunciation: touza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: temporality, current deposit [account]
当座の: touzano: temporary, present, immediate
当座は: touzawa: for a while [time], for the present, for the time being
当座の所: touzanotokoro <<<
当座凌ぎ: touzashinogi: temporary expedient, makeshift <<<
当座を開く: touzaohiraku: open a current account <<<
当座帳: touzachou: rough book, daybook <<<
当座預金: touzayokin: current deposit [account] <<< 預金
当座勘定: touzakanjou: account current <<< 勘定
当座勘定簿: touzakanjoubo: account-current book <<< 簿
related words: 当分


pronunciation: touzai
kanji characters: , 西
keyword: position
translation: east and west
東西線: touzaisen: subway line which goes from east to west <<<
東西屋: touzaiya: crier, bellman <<<
東西南北: touzainanboku: cardinal points <<< 南北
related words: 南北


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , fantasy
translation: X-ray fluoroscopy, divination, clairvoyance
透視する: toushisuru: see through, look at through a fluoroscope, be psychic
透視者: toushisha: clairvoyant, psychic <<<
透視鏡: toushikyou: fluoroscope <<<
透視画: toushiga: perspective drawing <<<
透視画法: toushigahou: perspective (n.) <<<
透視検査: toushikensa: fluoroscopy <<< 検査


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: fighter, combatant, warrior
聖闘士: seitoushi: holy fighter <<<
synonyms: 戦士


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: investment
投資する: toushisuru: invest
投資家: toushika: investor <<<
投資者: toushisha <<<
投資株: toushikabu: investment stocks <<<
投資会社: toushigaisha: investment company <<< 会社
投資信託: toushishintaku: investment trust <<< 信託 , 投信
投資資本: toushishihon: investment capital <<< 資本
投資計画: toushikeikaku: investment plan <<< 計画
投資利益率: toushiriekiritsu: return on investment, ROI
財政投資: zaiseitoushi: financial investments <<< 財政
不良投資: huryoutoushi: bad investment <<< 不良
設備投資: setsubitoushi: investment in equipment <<< 設備
間接投資: kansetsutoushi: indirect investment <<< 間接
先行投資: senkoutoushi: prior investments <<< 先行
海外投資: kaigaitoushi: foreign investment <<< 海外
synonyms: 出資


pronunciation: toushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: political party leader


pronunciation: toushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: baseball pitcher, hurler
投手板: toushuban: pitcher's plate, mound, slab <<< , マウンド
投手陣: toushujin: pitching staff <<<
投手力: toushuryoku: pitching strength <<<
投手戦: toushusen: pitchers' battle, hurling duel <<<
救援投手: kyuuentoushu: relief pitcher <<< 救援
敗戦投手: haisentoushu: losing pitcher <<< 敗戦
勝利投手: shouritoushu: winning pitcher <<< 勝利
リリーフ投手: ririihutoushu: relief pitcher, reliever <<< リリーフ
related words: ピッチャー

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